Bbfs , play or not to play, post about or not to post about it, u tell me ??

SW,bp ,eccie ,other adult sites bbfs?

I'm curious, do you guys and ladies know if SW (or BP, or any other adult sites providers) play safe or bb, ("not who"), just if you think any do?

IF so, do you think you would post about it, or if someone did partake do you think they would say it was bb play or not mention it at all???

Just gettin opinions on a matter I was discussing with someone...

Not something I would or have offered!! Just an fyi ..
I think it happens often and people don't report it or report is as covered. I can think of a few reviews I know were bb from private convos after the fact but were reported as covered. No I won't say which ones. There are also a few that report bbfs as if it's nothing to hide. With SW's I don't know, I don't partake in FS with them so have no experience in that regard.

I think BBFS is pretty prevalent, especially when you become a "regular". However, just in my own anecdotal experience, I have been offered the option of bbfs on the first date countless times in the scenario of "leaving it up to me" to either say something or go with it.
I have met with both BP girls and verified providers and has been my experience that the vp's have always had protection available and never even offered bbfs (Not to say it doesn't happen). The BP girls on the other hand is hit or miss, have met some that were prepared and others that would just climb on bbfs if I had not stopped them. It's always a good idea to have your own condoms just in case (IMO). I think it is wise to post in ROS if provider offered bbfs so info was out there for all to make their own decision when with that provider.
TreeBark's Avatar
Most of the VP's do it as well. Make no mistake.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
I'm not so naive to think that clients and escorts don't have bare sex in their private lives. So doing it in business inst a reach. All one can do is to decide for themselves whether to protect themselves or not.
If they let you swim in their ocean, you ain't the only one at the beach
TreeBark's Avatar
I think a list is in order.
Mtnl and I have one in common. Go Mtnl.
No Barkman you know many in your pink Cadillac cruising fownCenteal
I think it's very common. I know a few popular VPs in this area who supposedly BB pretty often. I think that most escorts do BB with at least a few of their best regulars.

My regulars have no problem telling me in private who they BB with. Most of the time it is not mentioned publicly
TreeBark's Avatar
Mtnl, how's the rehab going?! You're out of your mind.
5 likes and I'll spill my beans.

No Barkman you know many in your pink Cadillac cruising fownCenteal Originally Posted by Mtnliving
TreeBark's Avatar
Where is Warren when I need support and not Mtnl acting alll weird?!
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Won't mention names but was offered BBFS by one of the local VP gals the first time (and only time) I met her. I'm not one that will partake, but many here will.
Mtnl, how's the rehab going?! You're out of your mind.
5 likes and I'll spill my beans. Originally Posted by TreeBark
For Pauline and dd and iggy- you really need to return to therapy, I am worried about your wardrobe and selection of motor vehicles
Won't mention names but was offered BBFS by one of the local VP gals the first time (and only time) I met her. I'm not one that will partake, but many here will. Originally Posted by Justin Herpantz
The scourge of the sexual revolution- no worries it will fall off in 3 days