SA Video Guy: What kind of mediocre sh*t is this?

Well . . . I just received this little gem my inbox:

In addition to plagiarizing my photos, "VideoGuy" decided to use the worst photoshop I've ever seen in my life.

I'm pretty sure that sender of this email peruses ECCIE frequently as he wanted to 'trade' for services.

Get the f*ck out of here.

The only 'trade' that I'm interested in is breaking your camera in exchange for this unwarranted photo fuckery.

Seriously, who does this?
Wow. I have no words
muffin101's Avatar
Looks like a cheap out-of-style cover. Guy who wants to hobby...has no real money or skills....

Yet he keeps on hustling for pussy
BBW Lilly's Avatar
Yeah, he hit me with that shit a while back. WACK.
Looks like a cheap out-of-style cover. Guy who wants to hobby...has no real money or skills....

Yet he keeps on hustling for pussy Originally Posted by muffin101
He spent hours trying to photoshop a bare cock in my ass. Times must be hard!
OMG! I'm at a loss for words. Shit if I could jump through this keyboard I'd slap the piss out of him! Sorry sack of shit!
^He's taken photos of other providers, but his nerve alone is enough to make him a shitty photographer.

Good photographers don't photoshop people's pictures into pornographic material and good photographers also don't barter. (What kind of camera man pays his bills with pussy?)

I'd rather go all out and purchase a $3,000 camera, set it up on a tripod and take my own damn pictures!
Samarie's Avatar

Idk I thought mine was quite good! I mean who WOULDN'T believe this?? This guy must be just rolling in ladies wanting his work!
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Don't even mention "professional" along with this guy. His work is plebeian at best and using someone's picture...and then modifying it into something it's the height of UNprofessionalism.
If any girls want pictures done, contact a real professional - there are a lot around. Or use one of us amateurs...but be sure you can trust them to only use your picture for their own "memory file".
Only you should post your pictures. Any client you allow to take pictures of you will gladly give you copies for your own use.
But this guy -
Is that Vidio guy can't spell Video correctly.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-13-2017, 06:38 PM

If you ever receive such suspicious solicitations you should check the Infoshare forums and your other private forums. Chances are someone else has previously encountered the same and reported it.

Remember, be vigilant.
Precious_b's Avatar
Damn, the less-than-amateur format this guy uses hasn't changed in years. I know Providers have told me that he has not held up his end of a bargain when they have dealt with him.

Idk I thought mine was quite good! I mean who WOULDN'T believe this?? This guy must be just rolling in ladies wanting his work!
Originally Posted by Samarie
I just want to know where he got that stock cock photo from!
vanessaamour's Avatar
Oh my God he did the same thing to me except for I was in a jacuzzi and he placed himself standing on the side with his cock out
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I'm laughing so hard I can barely type straight. He's a weeeeiiiirdddoo.