head of the black chamber of commerce racist?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dammit, Deacon, you beat me to it! I saw that, too. Pretty interesting.
Disagreeing with the president? Not racist.
Calling Obama a Marxist? Not racist.
Admitting to drinking the "Hope" kool aid? Not racist.
Making the point that Obama can't coast on the people of color vote next time? Still not racist.
Accusing Clarence Thomas of being self hating? Not racist.
Admitting to voting against one's principles because of the desire to see someone that you identify with in the White House? Not racist.
Disagreeing with Al Sharpton? LOL NOT FUCKING RACIST

Assuming all black people love Obama and won't criticize him? Totally racist.

I listened to the WHOLE thing. Did you?
i did..and he is not a racist. only you would put him there. sad really. i take that back. everyone is a racist who disagrees with obamas policy on business. now i got it. black, white, trump,palin, bush,romney. rev wright,oops sorry. so silly girl? you are saying he is a racist? prove it. or did i miss somthing? sure i did..the talk show host is racist? ahh,, just makes sense now, of course.
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 04-29-2011, 05:49 PM
I listened to the WHOLE thing. Did you? Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Actually I didn't watch it at all. Luckily I have flashblock installed, so when the page loaded and the title said Laura Ingraham I was able to calmly close the window as opposed to raging and spilling my coffee all over the keyword while desperately trying to close the window in an effort to end the shrieking noise coming from my speakers.

I've listen to plenty of this woman in the past, but these days it usually ends with me banging my head against the steering wheel.
well ampad.. you need to listen to what the head of the BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE had to say about obama. then maybe you will get it. im like you though, every time i hear obama talk i know its a lie and i turn it off as well.
cant wait for obama to run on the platform of ..the economy is anemic re elect me and we will be fine.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE_jGD5nZ6U here ya go silly girl. watch the whole thing.. racist? what was she saying? she might as well said ' get in line ne@@#r.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I took the "racist" comment as facetious. So often, any criticism of President Obama is immediately termed "racist". Someday, hopefully we will be beyond that, and leaders of any color or gender will be evaluated on the basis of their ideas and character, not the color of their skin or what is between their legs.

Gee, that sounded profound, didn't it?
john_galt's Avatar
I understand they are now called "racers". That is people who throw the race card or scream racism at the drop of a hat.
nothing in that clip is racist. nothing. and assuming all black people agree with obama is just that, assuming. to make a statement that " all black people love obama and wont criticize him" and bring it into this is racist. take a bow silly girl.