pickupkid's Avatar
go SPURS go
sajay's Avatar
  • sajay
  • 04-29-2011, 06:33 PM
Must win... I would prefer a blowout tonight... about had a stroke on that last game i think....
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-29-2011, 06:35 PM
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
If they can make it through the 3rd quarter ahead I think they win tonight!!! That was an exciting game 5 but I agree I would like a 20 pt win! !
cowboy84's Avatar
Tonite is a sad night in San Antonio but not only is the season over for the Spurs but I believe their run is over unless they can get some great players to replace the big 3 and with them being a low budget franchise it will be hard but I believe it can happen...
blaktygre's Avatar
Somebody....ANYBODY.....better give likki nikki a great big bear hug right now!!!!

I think I'm gonna cry..........
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Im crying already...sad. it may be the end of an era.
Marcus78's Avatar
That was sad. I would have loved to seen a game seven.

And at blacktygre's advice, here you go Nikki.

dicdaddy's Avatar
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
They had a great run ,but the laws of nature can not be denied, Grizzles are younger and their speed and size were too much to overcome. Spurs are still a class orginazation.

Nikki will definatley need a group hug today.
flinde's Avatar
Back to scouting eastern Europe and praying that the draft gods smile on us a third time.
Awww, thanks friends...hugs back at ya! I went into double damn shock...damn Spurs drove me to drink!! (lol) One good thing, I found myself a new fishing partner! Gotta love a gal who loves sports and fishing!!

Awww, thanks friends...hugs back at ya! I went into double damn shock...damn Spurs drove me to drink!! (lol) One good thing, I found myself a new fishing partner! Gotta love a gal who loves sports and fishing!!

Originally Posted by Likinikki

Hey Tribal...do you fish? (lol)