I really thought they would have returned to BR by late June or early July. At this point I would now presume that they are just flat out of business. They did however have a great 10 year run.
Brought up...ENOUGH with SAME men(or women) writing more then 2 reviews on same chick. I mean seriously its freaking ridiculous. It really should be made a rule. As soon as a legit review comes out ..the same 5 review guys bump the old ones up. Dont yall notice it?? Its retarded..and causes others to do it just to get seen. I think they used to put a duck quacking behind the review meaning white knights work...or just the chick with fake handles... i mean theres 2 guys on here that have reviewed same 3 girls over 10 times. Ridiculous. 2 time limit unless over a year. Ir else its useless..and blocks new girls getting noticed . Santa did that shit all the time too. His girls,of course... xxoo annie
Rules state not to bump threads over 30 days old.
Originally Posted by escortrevier
Not threads over 30 days old, but threads that have been inactive for over 30 days. A thread can go on forever as long as there's never a gap of more than 30 days between comments.