new scam

I've been on the seekingarrangements site off and on for two years. I received a random text message from unknown number saying that I'm on the site called and the only way to remove it by using the site netreputation to erase for a fee. On has my phone number and my seekingarrangements profile picture saying I offer money for sex. Beware in joining seekingarrangements.
Just new to you... I'm still waiting for my Nigerian Lottery winnings...I sent the check for the administrative costs a month ago!!
SA isn't doing it, criminal groups are. They troll SA and all kinds of other sites to get profiles. They hack sites and harvest email addresses associated w/ profiles and robo-generate web site entries with profile pics, etc., then send the emails and wait for the suckers' $$ to roll in.

You can safely ignore such emails.

But re $80 for one month just in hope of finding an amateur hooker who also wants to spend 70%+ of your time with her yammering abt how, like, her parents, like, just don't get her and like, she has this like great degree in Anthropology so like, why can't she like, get an $80k/yr. job like right away?? No. 95% of the time you should be getting your knob wet. For the money some of these girls get they ought to be giving you live lesbian sex shows with their gfs nightly then fucking you silly, all with minimal blatherings.

Only reason to have an SB is it's cheaper AND as good as banging whores. Have heard as many horror stories of guys getting fucked over by SBs as guys getting cheated or fucked with by lousy hookers.

And given the SB seeks to be on the receiving end of the money and wants the social benefits of having an older man as a bf/SD, it's the SBs who ought to be paying $80/mo. for just the chance to meet the John of Their Dreams, not the SDs. For $80, if I were inclined toward banging SWs, I could get laid 4 times, blown 8, they're so cheap now.
Shitty part is if you google your number your name that you told the alleged SB will appear as the top result. Only shitty thing is I have to change my number (which is just like 35$ and get a burner), at least I used a fake name.