Hurricane Harvey: I Hate You Mongers

Preparing for the storm, I went to my friendly Crossroads Super Target this evening.

Inside the store, I looked at my watch wristband engraved with the letters, "WWPD" ("What Would Purrrsia Do?")

The answer to my prayer came immediately: NUTELLA!

Went to the aisle, only to find that the entire Nutella section had been picked clean!

I know it was you mongers who did this. I hate you all.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-26-2017, 01:12 AM
Don't look at me. I can't stand Nutella.

Besides, I was busy clearing the shelves of Skippy peanut butter, Welch's Grape Jelly and whole wheat bread.
Never thought of Nutella lol but I've got 12 cases of water, a metric shit ton of candles, every jumbo pack of batteries one could imagine, canned food out the wing Wang, flashlights and propane for days. All items to be donated in the likely event they aren't needed here.

Stay safe everyone :-)
robexar's Avatar
I was dumb enough to listen to my wife and go TO the grocery store. What a mistake that was! Everyone else had the same brilliant idea. Stood in the checkout line for 30 minutes.
But my stress is going to be relieved soon.
NiceGuy6699's Avatar
Hope everyone stays safe
I think that the best decision would have been to stock up on a whole bunch of Purrrsia!
Cheesecake7's Avatar
You should NEVER run out of Nutella!