Prediction: Obama will "elevate" Trump

Longermonger's Avatar
Obama will be running against a Republican opponent in 2012. Ideally, he'd get to choose the weakest Republican to run against. That man is Donald Trump. Trump is not a serious player, yet is near the top of the poles.

Obama will attempt to elevate Trump to his level by going one-on-one with him in some way. Trump's ego will eat this up. Birthers and Tea Partyists will eat it up. They'll love the fact that their far-right views are being taken seriously.

Trump will either win the Republican primary or cause trouble for whoever does. Obama will run against a weak candidate or a weakened candidate.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dammit, Longer, you set me up to agree with you in two threads. This may be a sign of the Apocalypse.

I didn't think Trump would run, I thought this was a big publicity stunt, but now President Obama has played into Trump's ego. That clown may actually think he has chance. His ego may not allow him to NOT run.

There is no logical reason why the President should be re-elected, especially if gas is at $5.00 per gallon and unemployment is still a 9% or higher. But President Obama is playing the Republicans like a cheap fiddle. He may have a Reagan landslide.

And I'll be honest and give credit where credit is due. I hadn't considered this angle until Longer brought it up. Thanks, Longer. I think you nailed this one. Now, please go back to saying stupid things. It's going to keep me up nights if I have to admit you are right!
I'll agree with you too, LM - Trump is this election cycle's Ross Perot. With the economy on the brink of a double-dip recession, the Bamster is extremely vlunerable. But, Trump is sounding like Perot did in 1992 and will probably try to do his best to weaken the GOP candidate.

One thing to remember though - the candidate the left, the Democratics and Obama fear the most is the one that they will try through their co-consipritors in the MSM to make look the most foolish or least competent - right now, that's Sarah Palin. The one that they want to run against is the one that the MSM props up as a bastion of reasonableness and moderation and wants to "reach across the aisle" - which last go-around was McCain.
Obama will be running against a Republican opponent in 2012. Ideally, he'd get to choose the weakest Republican to run against. That man is Donald Trump. Trump is not a serious player, yet is near the top of the poles. Originally Posted by Longermonger
Was Trump going to the Arctic circle or Antarctica in the near future? Or are you surveying consitutents in the Chicago immigrant community?
Trump scares the shit out of the libs.
I'll agree with you too, LM - Trump is this election cycle's Ross Perot. With the economy on the brink of a double-dip recession, the Bamster is extremely vlunerable. But, Trump is sounding like Perot did in 1992 and will probably try to do his best to weaken the GOP candidate.

One thing to remember though - the candidate the left, the Democratics and Obama fear the most is the one that they will try through their co-consipritors in the MSM to make look the most foolish or least competent - right now, that's Sarah Palin. The one that they want to run against is the one that the MSM props up as a bastion of reasonableness and moderation and wants to "reach across the aisle" - which last go-around was McCain. Originally Posted by fritz3552
You couldn't be more right on all counts. Pick the candidate who gives a big "fuck you" to the media, and that'll be the guy or gal who defeats Obama.
john_galt's Avatar
Longer I claimed the same thing two years ago when McCain got the nomination and I explained how. So welcome to my world.
Of course this means that the only contest Barry can win is a fixed contest. Check out his record in Illinois and how he got into office. I think the word backstabber would apply.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I'll agree with you too, LM - Trump is this election cycle's Ross Perot. .............The one that they want to run against is the one that the MSM props up as a bastion of reasonableness and moderation and wants to "reach across the aisle" - which last go-around was McCain. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Look at the election figures; Clinton would not have won without Ross Perot!

A third party, weakens the Republicans. There are a lot of people who are politically motivated to want something from the government; they are called Democrats. There are lot of people who want less from the government; they are called Republicans. But the ones who want a smaller government with less intrusion want those things for many different reasons: thus, the motivations of the Republican Party is split into different factions of conservative people. The religious right, is not the same as the economic conservative, or the defense conservative. Somehow, these factions need to be united. We are only entertained by clowns like Donald. We need a serious candidate to unite the party.

Starry69's Avatar
Obama roasts "The Donald" - Funny stuff
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 05-02-2011, 03:35 PM
There is no logical reason why the President should be re-elected, especially if gas is at $5.00 per gallon and unemployment is still a 9% or higher. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Those two factors will make it tough for any sitting president to get re-elected. Don't think the price of gas during Obama's presidency has reached the levels seen during the Bush administration. I'm afraid when jobs do return, we won't see the same pay levels of the jobs that were lost.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Kc your right on job.
Obama will be running against a Republican opponent in 2012. Ideally, he'd get to choose the weakest Republican to run against. That man is Donald Trump. Trump is not a serious player, yet is near the top of the poles.

Obama will attempt to elevate Trump to his level by going one-on-one with him in some way. Trump's ego will eat this up. Birthers and Tea Partyists will eat it up. They'll love the fact that their far-right views are being taken seriously.

Trump will either win the Republican primary or cause trouble for whoever does. Obama will run against a weak candidate or a weakened candidate. Originally Posted by Longermonger
WTF!? I ALSO agree with Longermonger's political analysis for Birth Certificate! Something very scary is going on. Its like Locke agreeing with Desmothesnes!
Longermonger's Avatar
Longer I claimed the same thing two years ago when McCain got the nomination and I explained how. So welcome to my world.
Of course this means that the only contest Barry can win is a fixed contest. Check out his record in Illinois and how he got into office. I think the word backstabber would apply. Originally Posted by john_galt
This isn't a new idea. It's hundreds or thousands of years old. Take credit for inventing it if you like, Galt.

Was the 2008 election fixed? Did McCain get paid to take a fall like a boxer? Do tell!