Drunk sex = Penis pain oops

roaringtexan's Avatar
Amusing story...

I got really drunk this weekend watching the fight. Came home with a SO after the fight. We had drunken sex.

The next morning I noticed some pain around the tip. It didn't burn when I peed but the pain was there.

I mentioned it to SO and she replied, " you probably are a little sore...we were 69 and then you basically sat on my face shoved your cock down my throat and thrusted hard...I was gagging while orgasming!!! Strangely enough, that was awesome!"

I said I would like to try that sober and she giggled and said "maybe"

wished I remembered that
ck1942's Avatar
Or she is pulling your chain and used a brillo pad on you offending member? If she shaved but has bristles present, could be that.

If perchance there is painful urination the few days better get both of y'all checked out.
robexar's Avatar
I have been stood up before and had to jerk off.
That hurts.
I would much rather hurt it the way you did! Sounds excellent.
Too bad you do not remember it.