Osama Bin Laden dead?

The question arises for me if that changes something?
It kind of reminds me of the movie "Munich" that the masterminds behind such things never can be "killed"...
here is the article:

WASHINGTON — Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has his body, says a person familiar with developments.
President Barack Obama was to make the announcement shortly that after searching in vain for bin Laden since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist is dead, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Details of the death were sparse. A senior U.S. counterterrorism official, who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said bin Laden was killed in a ground operation in Pakistan, not by a Predator drone. The official said it happened last week.

CNN and Reuters reported that the al-Qaida leader was killed in a mansion outside Islamabad, the Pakistani capital.
It is a major accomplishment for Obama and his national security team, having fulfilled the goal once voiced by Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, to bring to justice the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

discreetgent's Avatar
Whether or not operationally it makes a real difference, symbolically it is going to be huge -although in different ways - for the US people, the US military, AND for al-Qaida.

Politically - epecially vis a vis US-Pakistan relations - it could be very interesting:

1. Apparently US ground forces accomplished the mission inside of Pakistan.
2. bin Laden was in a mansion outside of Islamabaad which raises the question how is it possible that Pakistani intelligence didn't know he was there?

Domestically it will be interesting to see how it plays out short term and long term in Obama's approval ratings AND in how he is viewed as commander-in-chief by current critics.
atlcomedy's Avatar
The question arises for me if that changes something? Originally Posted by ninasastri
I don't think that it much actually changes

Frankly I was kind of surprised how my text messages lit up and facebook/twitter went nuts, but for many this brings some symbolic closure to 9/11, particularly that lost somebody close them (which is a lot of people).
A lot of people, in various countries, liked to taunt that the US couldn't get him. That taunt is no longer available.

Ayman al-Zawahri, the Al Qaida #2 and heir apparent to bin Laden, now knows that the US *CAN* find him, no matter where he hides. With any luck, that will contribute mightily toward reducing his ability to sleep at night.

One of the news stories says that they've known about the compound where Osama bin Laden was hiding for about a month, and Obama ruled out an air strike, because he wanted clear proof that they'd actually gotten bin Laden, not just "We think we got him". (Other interpretations are possible.)
Well I am just now seeing the news, and all I can say is "Awesome", they finally got this turd.

Hoora! For the Navy Seals!!
Rudyard K's Avatar
I am glad he's gone. But think it is not that huge of a deal...just glad he's gone. I think the last 10 years have shown us that the problems are much larger than just this one man...but it is symbolic nonetheless.

I'm also glad there will be no trial. The legal system would make a spectacle out of this, and he just needs to be gone from the earth...and he is.
I am glad he's gone. But think it is not that huge of a deal...just glad he's gone. I think the last 10 years have shown us that the problems are much larger than just this one man...but it is symbolic nonetheless.

I'm also glad there will be no trial. The legal system would make a spectacle out of this, and he just needs to be gone from the earth...and he is. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I agree it is very symbolic, and gives people who lost so much from the world trade bombing to 9/11 some closure.

However, this will most likely kick up some type of retaliation. In addition that won't change the fact that the terrorists organizations will still continue to do harm to the western world and continue on with their religious war. Yes, we got Osama, but you know another will probably pop up in his place.

The question that has been posed is how does this affect our relationship with Pakistan, and do we remain in Afganistan, and so many other things to think about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am glad he's gone. But think it is not that huge of a deal...just glad he's gone. I think the last 10 years have shown us that the problems are much larger than just this one man...but it is symbolic nonetheless.

I'm also glad there will be no trial. The legal system would make a spectacle out of this, and he just needs to be gone from the earth...and he is. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Someone in the media compared this action to the “Doolittle Raid” during WWII. It wasn’t a decisive action, but it let the enemy know the U.S. could reach out and touch them; plus, it provided a tremendous boost to American morale.

The end result: no bin Laden, no GITMO: no trial nor tribunal. No muss, no fuss!
Bin Laden has been irrelevent for many, many years. He commands nothing, the global organization melted away into much smaller independent cells. Other than making people feel good, it changes nothing. Americans are fighting and dying in many cases for political reasons around the world, we're spending blood and treasure on behalf of other people and getting nothing in return.

Maybe now we can leave Afghanistan in short order, as it's not our job to bring "democracy" to a people who are clearly uninterested. Let them determine how THEY want to live. Bin Laden was the fig leaf barely even justifying our existence there.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Bin Laden has been irrelevent for many, many years. He commands nothing, the global organization melted away into much smaller independent cells. Other than making people feel good, it changes nothing. Americans are fighting and dying in many cases for political reasons around the world, we're spending blood and treasure on behalf of other people and getting nothing in return.

Maybe now we can leave Afghanistan in short order, as it's not our job to bring "democracy" to a people who are clearly uninterested. Let them determine how THEY want to live. Bin Laden was the fig leaf barely even justifying our existence there. Originally Posted by TexanAtPlay
And that's what makes this important. If the politicians use this as a fig leaf to declare victory and leave Afghanistan it will truly be cause for celebration.
I am glad he's gone. But think it is not that huge of a deal...just glad he's gone. I think the last 10 years have shown us that the problems are much larger than just this one man...but it is symbolic nonetheless.

I'm also glad there will be no trial. The legal system would make a spectacle out of this, and he just needs to be gone from the earth...and he is. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Literally, this is how I feel word for word..

The news is reporting that he used a woman as a shield. What a brave, brave man he was - Pfffft
And that's what makes this important. If the politicians use this as a fig leaf to declare victory and leave Afghanistan it will truly be cause for celebration. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

Well I guess we will see here shortly. One can only hope..
Not that I don't believe it but I'm waiting for the pics. They'll be devastating to his supporters. I don't buy the martyr argument.

My guess is there was also a helmet cam or two.
My main concern is, I hope the Al-Quita (SIC) doesn't start to mastermind a revenge plot for the death of their leader. Sort of like a domino effect? Those people are NUTS and life is cheap to them. They seemed to calm down in recent years, so IDK. Just a concern. Those people are all about REVENGE. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Osama is dead. But this should have been done YEARS ago by the Bush administration. I fear they will try to retaliate somehow now.
Kitten's Avatar
I do not wish to celebrate the death of such a vile person.Osama bin Laden will be judged for what he has done in his life by a higher power. If I take joy in his death then I am no different than those who took pleasure in the attacks on 9-11.


Instead I look to this as a message that should be rejoiced and shouted from the roof tops. This is to all of the terrorists home grown and over seas. We will find you, let this stand as a witness to our diligence . We will not forget or give up the hunt for those who are responsible for the attack on our home. We will not hold into any boundaries of time or distance in this pursuit of justice.

The Statue of Liberty faces outward toward the nations, holding aloft the torch of freedom, the flame of hope, the promise of the future. She holds this torch high in the daytime and during the night as well. She shines her light in the midst of darkness.
This symbol of freedom and hope this is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is who we are and my we never forget it.

I want to say a special thank you to all members of the Military. Thank you for keeping us safe and protecting us as we sleep. Thank you for the gift you freely have given to ensure our freedom. You will never be forgotten , even tho I do not know your names. The gifts that you have unselfishly given speaks of your heart and I truly thank you
