osama is dead

what now?
daty/o's Avatar
I imagine all hell will break loose. Look for security alerts to be very high. How do you defend against an enemy that looks forward to death?
I want to see the fucking body before I even believe it.

I mean, yeah - I'm glad they finally got him out of whatever cave he was hiding in - but seriously.....prove it to me.

And did they only nail him - or did they get a bunch of his top guys in there too? (the ones who didn't off themselves first?)
FishGuy13's Avatar
I can't sleep and just heard about it. Great news to me, if it was really him. Like tntangie pointed out if it was him, and lets hope we got some of his top guys and some good intel as well!
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I want to see the fucking body before I even believe it.

I mean, yeah - I'm glad they finally got him out of whatever cave he was hiding in - but seriously.....prove it to me.

And did they only nail him - or did they get a bunch of his top guys in there too? (the ones who didn't off themselves first?) Originally Posted by tntangie
Buried at sea. They didn't want people turning his burial site into a shrine.

But it sounds fairly credible since they sent in a team and he was shot in the head.

Even if this is a ruse and he is still alive it will force him to come out the open and prove that he still exists.
JohnJohn's Avatar
I imagine all hell will break loose. Look for security alerts to be very high. How do you defend against an enemy that looks forward to death? Originally Posted by eccl3

The alerts are already being sent out through channels. I got one at the office.
Dallasguy's Avatar
Yea Navy Seals!!

I was in Iraq Jan 2006-Jan 2008. Al Quaeda car bomb killed 2 of my close buds, 79 others, and fucked up over 200 (including me). Islam is a peaceful religion, but wahabiism and other extreme islam: those into it only want money and power.
According to reports, 2 others were killed including his oldest son (adult). The track record of this administration leads me to side with Angie, show me a body. It seems very convenient that this is happening as the President is suffering huge losses politically and primary season is just around the corner.
I am all for burial at sea, but first let's cut off the head, mount it on a trident and parade it through the streets of NYC with people lining the streets going crazy. Maybe then the Muslim world will think we are just as insane as they are and think twice about messing with us.

(That last part was just a little levity)
Wordsmith's Avatar
Hopefully Bin Laden won't call A Soft Place to Land in a couple of week to say he is alive.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hopefully Bin Laden won't call A Soft Place to Land in a couple of week to say he is alive. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
LOLOL!!!! Holy Sh*t, Wordman...you ain't even trying to get along...tff!
elcalifa's Avatar
The track record of this administration leads me to side with Angie, show me a body. Originally Posted by SoonerBorn
Did you ask the same thing about WMD's?

I'm fucking glad they got the bastard. Too bad we couldn't drag his body up & down streets of NYC behind a firetruck.