Brace for a combo

Longermonger's Avatar
My guess is that systems analysis played a huge part in tracking down Bin Laden. That said, there was likely a lot of additional systems analysis between the time Bin Laden was discovered and when the raid took place. Combined with whatever additional intel was discovered during the raid, it makes sense that a few more dominos will fall as a result.

Brace for a combo.

Bin Laden may be one of many to be killed or captured. (I have no idea of the timescale for any of this.)

What will Republicans say then? Poof! There goes their argument that Obama should have "done something" sooner. Also, that'll KO Rush's argument that Bin Laden was no longer important.
john_galt's Avatar
It would have been classy to give some credit to the work and mechanism put in place by the Bush administration but why change right? Try this exercise; imagine that everything that candidate Obama had said he got when he took office. No Gitmo, no enchanced interrogations, terrorists lawyering up in our prisons, bombing Pakistan, and us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you really think (be honest) that things would have turned out the same?

By the way, I have seen a photo of Bin Laden post breathing. It is out there.

By the way, I have seen a photo of Bin Laden post breathing. It is out there. Originally Posted by john_galt
I've seen the pic you're talking about. It's a bad Photoshop job that has been floating around for a while now.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 05-03-2011, 08:41 PM
I could care less who gets the credit. I just want all the terrorist motherfuckers captured or killed...preferably killed.
Longermonger's Avatar
I've seen the pic you're talking about. It's a bad Photoshop job that has been floating around for a while now. Originally Posted by DickPeters
(I think) I saw the first time it was posted on 4####. Old news. Shooped. Fake. I hate gore and the original donor pic was nasty.

Galt, I have no idea what kind of imaginary universe you're creating. Is it one where ALL of the problems get passed on to Obama and ALL of the intel gather over the previous 8 years is deleted? Why not go the extra step and create an imaginary land where NO mess at all is left for Obama to clean up?