Conspiracy theory now equaling legitimate news stories?! It didn't take 24 hours for the death of Osama Bin Laid-in-the-Sea to become a ''legit" conspiracy theory in America!?

How little we trust anything anyone says anymore. How little anyone is honest; for people that believe in conspiracy theories must hold a paradigm in their mind that 'lying' is the way of people (that if they were 'in' the conspiracy, that's what themselves would do). Liberals who think all social programs should be done by taxing rather than by voluntary contribution (because they know they wouldn't contribute unless everyone was obligated to); conservatives who think all welfare programs should be abolished (because they know they wouldn't seek work if money was given to them). Or something like that.

The JFK conspiracy & Watergate have brought such deep-seated distrust that even no evidence is good enough. I guess we should just throw our hands up and acknowledge that 'The Final Solution' was mere propaganda to discredit the Nazis and to justify the Allies and overlook the bombing of Japan, who was part of the Axis and therefore part of Evil the Nazis did.