Are you Dominant, submissive, or neither?

Doing an unofficial survey. Do you lean Dominant, submissive, or neither, during sexual encounters?

Toying with the idea of offering Service Topping, which is where a non-Dominant person Tops others as an act of service.

When you do bottom for a female, what types of activities do you enjoy?
Plastic Man's Avatar
what types of activities do you enjoy? Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
plastic man ...loves avoidin marine thats gets beached hurricanes
offshoredrilling's Avatar
huh ??? errrr I don't think I want ta know
Thank you so much for the relevant contributions
offshoredrilling's Avatar
WTF I do wrong now? I just have no idea what... And not sure I want ta know
Im a switch.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
ISO's Avatar
  • ISO
  • 09-10-2017, 09:24 PM
Switch. Though mostly sub. I've topped Lolita from Utica and Nikki Lewinski. So much fun. I've served Xtina, Melina, Bitte/Honey, Nicki and Shea, Lilli24, Becky, Winter from Buffalo...
Plastic Man's Avatar
an ...hero

...thanks fer sharin all ...these stories!
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Bobjustbob's Avatar
Service Top..... er Sub, I get confused, but I do think it's a wonderful idea and you will be terrific. So many different dynamics to explore within this area, Good Luck. I would like to be used as their blowup Male Sex Doll, just don't pop me!
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Real life, Dominant. Sexually, submissive !!
irpatio's Avatar
I lean towards being submissive, too bad I can't seem to find any Domme women around here
Plastic Man's Avatar
who else shocked there be so many submissive ...jimmies rounds these