A Freudian slip by the gun grabbers?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that the media is about to move on from Hurricane Irma (and onto Hurrican Jose) we have time to reflect on some events. Some disturbing events...

In the US Virgin Islands, Governor Mapp (I) ordered the seizure of all weapons, ammunition, and explosives by the National Guard from the citizens of the island. Those are US citizens with all the rights enumerated by the US Constitution including the second amendment. When put on the spot by reporters (only one really, Sean Hannity) Mapp backpeddled and said that you didn't read it right what he ordered. He claimed to be talking about gun stores except there are no gun stores in the VI. So then it was the National Guard Armory...don't you already have control of those already? It came down to it that Mapp had to say that it was all a misunderstanding.

Take away, politicians will take away your rights and guns (how did they know who had what?) if they think they can. Yeah, Mapp used to be a republican in 2001 just like Donald Trump was a democrat in the same year. Mapp is a New York born, Harvard educated police officer and a rino.

Which brings us to the armed looters running around in the Virgin Islands, the Keys, and mainland Florida. These poor unfortunates have no other choice than to smash their way into electronic stores, shoe stores, and sporting goods (gun) stores to alleviate their hunger and thirst. A couple were arrested going from house to house ransacking the premises. There have been confirmed reports of armed looters inpersonating rescuers and Florida Power and Lighting representatives. If only there was some way to stand up to these thugs....maybe if the home and business owners had some kind of weapons that was portable and deadly....something that should be attainable by responsible individuals and denied to criminals....I'm sure that someone will figure out something. I guess until then we have sticks and stones.

Oh yes, people are idiots. Take the actors like Jennifer Lawrence who is convinced that Irma (and I suppose Harvey) happened because Trump was elected. Just because you're successful at one thing means that you have any sense.

Now that the media is about to move on from Hurricane Irma (and onto Hurrican Jose) we have time to reflect on some events. Some disturbing events...

In the US Virgin Islands, Governor Mapp (I) ordered the seizure of all weapons, ammunition, and explosives by the National Guard from the citizens of the island. Those are US citizens with all the rights enumerated by the US Constitution including the second amendment. When put on the spot by reporters (only one really, Sean Hannity) Mapp backpeddled and said that you didn't read it right what he ordered. He claimed to be talking about gun stores except there are no gun stores in the VI. So then it was the National Guard Armory...don't you already have control of those already? It came down to it that Mapp had to say that it was all a misunderstanding. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I heard the same was tried in NO after Katrina, and also in Houston twice in the past..

HOW the hell can these liberal dunces feel that a "Storm" gives them the right to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens?? AND NOT GET called on it?

Which brings us to the armed looters running around in the Virgin Islands, the Keys, and mainland Florida. These poor unfortunates have no other choice than to smash their way into electronic stores, shoe stores, and sporting goods (gun) stores to alleviate their hunger and thirst. A couple were arrested going from house to house ransacking the premises. There have been confirmed reports of armed looters inpersonating rescuers and Florida Power and Lighting representatives. If only there was some way to stand up to these thugs....maybe if the home and business owners had some kind of weapons that was portable and deadly....something that should be attainable by responsible individuals and denied to criminals....I'm sure that someone will figure out something. I guess until then we have sticks and stones. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
IMO the guard/police, should have a standing "SHOOT ON SIGHT" Order for those 'armed looters'..

Oh yes, people are idiots. Take the actors like Jennifer Lawrence who is convinced that Irma (and I suppose Harvey) happened because Trump was elected. Just because you're successful at one thing means that you have any sense. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Which is why Lawrence has now become persona non-grata in my house.. I don't care how "Great a movie" she is in. I won't watch any of her work.