anyone know of...?

Ok I see there are many,many,many sites for female providers,ok i get that its all about wants and needs? and there is a higher demand for female providers dose anyone know of a local site for male providers?
KCQuestor's Avatar
Male providers almost exclusively cater to male clients. There is just so little demand from females looking for a male escort -- contrary to the tv shows and movies.
if you are looking for straight male escorts go to There is really only one local guy, young hispanic kid.

I'm going to be seeing Luke Jackson at some point this summer (just to see what its like lol)
For a massage -

And if I'm really good, it causes fireworks... -

Otherwise, go with Silly Girl's recommendation...
Sillygirl, you guys might just end up talking shop the entire time. Ha ha.
I have always wanted to hire a male escort myself.
I've been watching Gigolos but I've heard that it's fake. It's still entertaining though.
Why in the world would any chick pay for a male escort? I can call any guy I know and get laid for free.

As much as some shows make the male escort world look wonderful and the guys stay busy, its mostly fake and most male escorts cater to gay men.

If there was such a big demand for straight male escorts, you'd see more ads/sites geared towards chicks who are willing.
Women are typically paying for the more "relationship" type aspect. It is a very different business. That is one of the reasons I'm going to tap the one I found. I want to see how his skills etc match up to random bar guys and my own clients.
Hmm... I might have to see you before you see this guy so I can see where I weigh in. I like a good challenge
KCQuestor's Avatar
See her after. Then you'll REALLY know.
bartipero's Avatar
Ladies, ladies, why fish when you can have the best. I recommend Fred Garvin. He can be reached here:
Why in the world would any chick pay for a male escort? I can call any guy I know and get laid for free.

As much as some shows make the male escort world look wonderful and the guys stay busy, its mostly fake and most male escorts cater to gay men.

If there was such a big demand for straight male escorts, you'd see more ads/sites geared towards chicks who are willing. Originally Posted by MsElena
I am willing simply because its something new to try and well hell seeings as how there is a lack of hobbiest here whom are willing to see a woman like myself( as everyone knows i am bigger woman never hid that fact) maybe to see someone who isnt willing to judge me for what i lok like and really get to know the person i am.This is why i wouldnt mind finding a man localy who can cater to my needs.Now this isnt saying i would but i was just a random passing thought in my head
If providers were to offer more meet and greets at a reduced rate it would greatly increase the comfort level. I understand the time involed and would not work for high volume. A steady diet of spinners causes "golden pussy" sydrone.(barrowed term) It is hard to get to know someone personally given stop-watch mentality.