I'm curious if anyone has paid to watch a provider have sex with someone else?
A former provider friend of mine used to offer this service with her boyfriend.
I remember asking her how their business was.....and she told me they booked at least 4 appointments a week for this!
I always thought that was soo hot!!
So, what do you guys think? Is it something you'd try? Or, have you already?
Since I have never offered a service like this before...
I'm wondering....
Just watch them have sex? Play with your own business during?
Just watch Them Play? You have sex with just her After?
Watch them have sex? And be their director or Maybe cheer them on as they go?
Hell, I don't know! That's why I'm asking!!

I have had sex in public...Once! And Oooh let me tell you...
It was sooo Crazy Hot!
We were soo into each other that we never even noticed if someone saw us fucking!!....

(did I just use the "F" word? Sorry!! Heee!!)
Any Thoughts??
~Kelly TNT