Obamacare has peaked...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Gallup's Zac Auter says that "rising insurance premiums could be causing some Americans to forgo insurance, especially those who fail to qualify for federal subsidies," and that "the lack of competition could be driving up the cost of plans for consumers."

In other words, ObamaCare is driving middle-class families — who face the full brunt of ObamaCare's annual double-digit premium hikes — out of the insurance market.

It should go without saying that this is not what President Obama and his fellow Democrats promised when they imposed ObamaCare on the country seven years ago. And these trends are likely to get worse next year, when these middle-class families face still fewer choices and yet another round of double-digit premium hikes.

For millions of Americans, the "Affordable Care Act" is a cruel joke.
IMO its a joke PERIOD..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
An employer tax kicks in next year. Obama postponed it by eo so the next president would have to deal with it.
flghtr65's Avatar
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
From your link the uninsured rate is now 8.8%. Which means the percentage insured for all citizens is 91.2%. This 91.2% number is very close to the number that was projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO projected that by the end of 2017 the percentage insured for all citizens under age 65 would be 92%. Keep in mind the CBO based their projection that all 50 states would take the Expanded Medicaid. To date only 31 states took it. See the 2010 projections by the CBO in table 4 of the link. The percentage insured was suppose to level off starting in year 2017. We are at where we are suppose to be.

bambino's Avatar
From your link the uninsured rate is now 8.8%. Which means the percentage insured for all citizens is 91.2%. This 91.2% number is very close to the number that was projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO projected that by the end of 2017 the percentage insured for all citizens under age 65 would be 92%. Keep in mind the CBO based their projection that all 50 states would take the Expanded Medicaid. To date only 31 states took it. See the 2010 projections by the CBO in table 4 of the link. The percentage insured was suppose to level off starting in year 2017. We are at where we are suppose to be.

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/fil...dreconprop.pdf Originally Posted by flghtr65
And what good is insurance if you can't afford the deductible? What does the CBO say about that?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pity the idiots In Congress don't know how to do their jobs, now, isn't it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And what good is insurance if you can't afford the deductible? What does the CBO say about that? Originally Posted by bambino
Ask Dr. Phil motherfucker. You drop about a hunsky and you might be able to afford your deductible, love chunks!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2017, 09:38 AM
And what good is insurance if you can't afford the deductible? What does the CBO say about that? Originally Posted by bambino
Says you need to make more money you cheap SOB!

flghtr65's Avatar
And what good is insurance if you can't afford the deductible? What does the CBO say about that? Originally Posted by bambino
If you get really sick and end up owing your doctors and the hospital $250,000 dollars, it is better to pay off that $6,000 deductible. The average citizen is not keeping $250,000 in their savings account, or Roth IRA or 401K.

Group health insurance from your employer is great if you can get that. There are 40+ million citizens who will not be able to get that and must be in the individual market. With 19 states not taking the Expanded Medicaid, having just under 92% of our citizens insured is as good as it will get with this private sector/ government sector health care system that USA has.
And what good is insurance if you can't afford the deductible? What does the CBO say about that? Originally Posted by bambino
And when that % is that way cause people get FINED IF they don't buy in, how can one really say that all those 92% HAVE insurance, cause they want it?
bambino's Avatar
Says you need to make more money you cheap SOB!

. Originally Posted by WTF
Tell that to the families that can't afford you moron.
bambino's Avatar
Ask Dr. Phil motherfucker. You drop about a hunsky and you might be able to afford your deductible, love chunks!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
People like me are paying for your slovenly pig ass, cocksucking pig.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you have insurance EATLER?

Isn't morbid obesity a pre-existing condition?

WTF are you gonna do when TwitlerCare runs wild on you?

flghtr65's Avatar
And when that % is that way cause people get FINED IF they don't buy in, how can one really say that all those 92% HAVE insurance, cause they want it? Originally Posted by garhkal
Most people don't want health insurance until they get sick! Then they wished that they had it. So, you choose not get health insurance, your appendix gets infected and the doctor says it has to be removed. The cost of the operation is $60,000. How are you going to pay for that operation? Or do you plan to show up at the emergency room of your local hospital and get free treatment? Which will paid for by other taxpayers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you actually trying to talk sense into these morons?

Good luck with that.

Even their own representatives understand.