Gas and groceries aside, for those professionals (like myself) that strictly use hotels for increased anonymity and safety (especially higher end hotels), the cost of doing business is skyrocketing. Many hotels that were willing to offer a lower negotiated rate in exchange for a promise of volume are either discontinuing the practice, raising their negotiated rates or increasing the commitment (the number of stays required to book at the lower rate) . . . Unfortunately, that results in added cost and those additional costs have to be passed on . . . I find myself no longer able to afford to offer a loyalty discount for returning clientele that only book a single hour (becasue I see only one or two [VERY rarely three] clients a day, if I suffer a cancellation it can be quite costly to maintain the higher end incall to which my clients have become accustomed). However, I have made longer engagements (1.5 and 2hrs +) MUCH more attractive and affordable within my fee structure for returning clients to offset the inconvenience of being higher for a single hour . . . Most all of my clients have been very receptive to the change, but the economy as a whole is beginning to have a impact on most facets of this endeavor.
Although, oil did
free-fall today - to under $100.00 USD a barrel . . . Will it have an impact at the pump? Probably not . .
- Jackie