Agency vs Independent Providers

This is for both females and the guys...What is you opinion on the pros and cons of being with an Agency or Independent? Guys do you have a preference and if so what are they and why?
shorty's Avatar
I've seen ladies at both an Agency and as an Independent. I prefer the Independent lady, if she is truly independent. The Agency lady seems like she is always wanting to upsale you during the session. However, I can see her wanting to upsale because the agency is taking a cut of the money. With a Independent lady, she's not as prone to upsale because she's keeping all the money.
topsgt38801's Avatar
Have not been with a lady from an agency that I am aware of, but think I prefer the independent business lady who is in control of who, how ,what and when she wants to do something and not be tied to a middleman or middlewoman.

I also would prefer to deal with the person directly that I am meeting and not talk or communicate with someone just setting up an appointment. In my opinion the independent is more appealing also, because she is receiving all the compensation and would therefore be more inclined to be a better provider.

I could be totally off base because as stated I am not aware of ever having been with an agency girl and if I am wrong or possibly offended a lady working for an agency, my humblest apologies.

geecue's Avatar
This is for both females and the guys...What is you opinion on the pros and cons of being with an Agency or Independent? Guys do you have a preference and if so what are they and why? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I prefer indies over agencies, for the main reason be able to speak to the lady before the session and get a feeling for them. Have seen three ladies from agencies first one was a disaster the the other two were excellent.
I'm trying to think on any advantage a agency has over indy. The only thing that comes to mind is the ease of making an appointment. Most don't usually require too much references. I still prefer the indy.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I would think most would want the indie , just from the horror stories Ive heard. Plus I cant imagine why anyone (and no disrespect to them/agency's) would want to work for someone else. I guess the agency benefit would be instant/any girl if your needed something quick
shorty's Avatar
I could see why some gents prefer the agency over indie. You get a traveling business man who never knows where he'll be for work that week and is looking for a date on a couple of hrs notice. His biggest problem is the indie lady checking references with very short notice. That is why an agency can be more convenent for that traveling business man thats wanting to get a nut on short notice.
I'm trying to think on any advantage a agency has over indy. The only thing that comes to mind is the ease of making an appointment. I still prefer the indy. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
That's really the only advantage of an agency is if you are in the mood, you can just call and they will have someone available. I tried a couple of agencies last fall but gave up on them and only see indy girls from now. Just too much bad stuff going on at the agencies I've learned.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Another thing is the fact that there some ladies out there who are simply unable/unwilling to spend the time necessary screening clients and keeping their schedule straight. Certain organizational skills are necessary to do the job that some don't possess.

Before you jump all over me, there are several threads of ladies asking about hiring out the screening and scheduling for themselves.
Another thing is the fact that there some ladies out there who are simply unable/unwilling to spend the time necessary screening clients and keeping their schedule straight. Certain organizational skills are necessary to do the job that some don't possess.
. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Very true!
atlcomedy's Avatar
Another thing is the fact that there some ladies out there who are simply unable/unwilling to spend the time necessary screening clients and keeping their schedule straight. Certain organizational skills are necessary to do the job that some don't possess.

Before you jump all over me, there are several threads of ladies asking about hiring out the screening and scheduling for themselves. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'll start by saying I prefer indies.

That said I think there is a role for agencies. The problem is there are so many bad ones the whole lot gets a bad rap. The biggest problem from a customer side is they don't hold their gals to high standards as far as what constitutes a quality experience. You can imagine the whole laundry list of things this entails.

Beyond quality of experience, the biggest complaint I read from guys about agencies is the whole, "well she isn't getting all of the the fee." It is the classic, but short-sighted, "cut out the middle(wo)man" strategy people have worked since the beginning of time.

As many indies have reported on these pages, often they spend well over an hour (excluding travel time) prepping for a date (screening, advertising, scheduling, participating of SHMBs, etc.) for every hour of date time, not to mention actual out of pocket advertising costs. The agency provides a valuable service and deserves its "cut."

As for why I like indies, primarily it is because I get a better feel via predate coorespondence as to who actually shows up at the door.
Some are crap, but J'adore and CC's are cool
I'll start by saying I prefer indies.

That said I think there is a role for agencies. The problem is there are so many bad ones the whole lot gets a bad rap. The biggest problem from a customer side is they don't hold their gals to high standards as far as what constitutes a quality experience. You can imagine the whole laundry list of things this entails.

Beyond quality of experience, the biggest complaint I read from guys about agencies is the whole, "well she isn't getting all of the the fee." It is the classic, but short-sighted, "cut out the middle(wo)man" strategy people have worked since the beginning of time.

As many indies have reported on these pages, often they spend well over an hour (excluding travel time) prepping for a date (screening, advertising, scheduling, participating of SHMBs, etc.) for every hour of date time, not to mention actual out of pocket advertising costs. The agency provides a valuable service and deserves its "cut."

As for why I like indies, primarily it is because I get a better feel via predate coorespondence as to who actually shows up at the door. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I figured I'll just quote the whole post so you can read it again instead of just +1....and add... I've recently had a conversation with one of the best Indy providers I've ever met and she seemed to be giving serious thought to turning over screening/scheduling duties to someone else....I never thought I'd see the day but I guess it can really be time consuming and arduous if the provider is really popular....who knew!?!
There is alot of time I personally put into screening and keeping up with emails as well as keeping dates and times not to mention confirming and followup BUT I don't think I would ever use a screening service this way I know it is done correctly and I am safe and careful....
I figured I'll just quote the whole post so you can read it again instead of just +1....and add... I've recently had a conversation with one of the best Indy providers I've ever met and she seemed to be giving serious thought to turning over screening/scheduling duties to someone else....I never thought I'd see the day but I guess it can really be time consuming and arduous if the provider is really popular....who knew!?! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'll start by saying I prefer indies.

That said I think there is a role for agencies. The problem is there are so many bad ones the whole lot gets a bad rap. The biggest problem from a customer side is they don't hold their gals to high standards as far as what constitutes a quality experience. You can imagine the whole laundry list of things this entails. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Exactly right ATL!