Review Beware--- moved to Co-ed -pk

Date: 9/25/2017
Provider: Wildtigertg.
User ID: 188876
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: -
State: New York
Address: Watervilet
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: None
Session Length: -
Fee: 1.5
Hair Length and Color: Short blonde
Age: 35-40
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Shorts and t shirt.
Not as well kept as previous visit.
Recommendation: No
That is two reports of cash and dash in less then a week with her. Other post said Tara but same provider. Yet her provider add is still up, makes you wonder. I'd ban her ass.
she was drunk when I saw her a few weeks ago.....almost fell over and she was not that good either
Loki Pk's Avatar
That is two reports of cash and dash in less then a week with her. Other post said Tara but same provider. Yet her provider add is still up, makes you wonder. I'd ban her ass. Originally Posted by Dirkicky
Same OP with the story again, posted as review...not a review. Moved from review to Co-ed

Thanks Loki for being on top of things.
wildtigertlg's Avatar
Two reports, HUH? This is the SAME guy. Try reading ALL the facts... Also, just take a look at the REST of my reviews. Doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out what's really going on here. I guess just anybody can make a profile and make fake reviews and they can be seen as facts then, right? smh
Tara, I don't believe he meant to try to pass off the same story as two separate events. Rather, I believe he posted the same report in two different areas (Alerts section AND reviews section) so that as many members as possible would see it. Happens all the time. Would love to hear your side of the story, though.
Notice she didn't exactly deny the allegations?
And.. crickets
I'm not saying nothing about this.......
It don't matter how many good reviews you have, it doesn't mean you can't cash n dash's always the same shit a guy post a bad review n of course the ladies our gonna deny it . It's just how this hobby is .....if you're gonna play with fire your bound to get burned.....just remember there are three sides to a story ....hers ,his n the truth (which eventually always comes out...
People do stupid shit when there under the influence of anything especially booze !! Just my two cents!!
Lovelilly's Avatar
LMAO... What's going on... Like why do you guys even entertain these users and alcoholics... Why do you even want to be near girls that would be so drunk at an appointment let alone anywhere falling down drunk is too trashhhhyyyy!
Probably because most people, even the ones here, can't afford 300 an hour on the regular? That's like asking why people go to wal-mart, because they can't afford the good meat at a butcher shop anymore.
EG some guys just like the nasty ��
August Black's Avatar
Check the showcases.....there's like 2 or 3 providers left to choose from that advertise regularly. I speculate.......that that possibly has something to do with guys taking more risks with unverified providers