It was "I read (present tense) it for the articles."
I second that emotion. He made it a point to provide an actual FORUM to ANYONE who found it difficult to express their views on sensitive issues. Even offensive satirists.
That's why we read it for the articles. And short stories.
It was more than porn. But when we're adolescents, we go strait for the pictures. My GF at the time was pissed that I had so many issues. Then she understood when she looked for herself.
Thank you ladies for being the first to reply. Whatever my reputation on here, you bitches rock! LOL
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I remember the level of disgust and embarrassment I felt when I found my father's coveted Playboy issues. With my parents being married at the time, I believed that having a magazine with naked women was a cardinal sin.
Nonetheless, I confronted my father and he explained to me that Playboy was a magazine for male entertainment, not for adultery. When I got older, I finally understood what he meant when I purchased one of the magazines for myself.
Which, I found Playboy to be somewhat of a reminiscent of GQ and Esquire. It catered to the ideas, interests and well-being of men. Also,
It wasn't all that much about sex.
Now Hustler Magazine? That's a different animal.