Question about BP

Hawks222's Avatar
So lately I’ve saw some ads that have a Facebook profile link at the end of the ad. A few of them I thought maybe just had hobby fb accounts. Then I came across one that had the providers real name, it appeared to me. Pics of her family and stuff that as a client, I shouldn’t know. Just wondering if anyone knew what was up with this?
Andrea Davis's Avatar
BP requires a social media link to post an Ad now. I would contact her and tell her to make a hobby account ASAP!
Hawks222's Avatar
Ah didn’t know that. Noticed bp in Waterloo went dead a few weeks ago. Now I know why. Thanks.
Thanks for that info, Andy. I was wondering why all the dead end Twitter and FB links. Apparently you can just make one up, most of the Twitter ones come up, No Such Account.
Andrea Davis's Avatar
Yes Climax blues they can. It only looks for a link in the correct format, not that the actual link works.

I have a link to my twitter account on my ad that works, but because my page is blocked to non followers, you can't access anything on my page.

normalguy21's Avatar
I would like to add that once a person logs onto facebook to a fake are a real acount that facebooks tracking software is attached and its the most intense tracking and monitoring software out there .
Like 90% of the world doesnt use facebook already though right ?

Between facebook and E Bay all you would have to do as the nsa would harvest the info that facebook and e bay collect off of users .

Not harvest the end user directly to alert them that they are just another sheep being led to be fleeced ,so they say .

Facebook once logged onto are into is with your pc till death do you part and it monitors and tracks 100% of everything no if and are buts .

Cool huh ?

want to find out what hours a store is open? see us on our facebook page .
want to go to your high school reunion ? see us on our facebook page
Want to know what time the county court house is open are if there closed early becuase its close to a holiday weekend ?
see them on there facebook page .

Happy facebooking you all.
beautifulbridgetteinc's Avatar
I truly find your articulate, accurate, slightly antiestablishment posts stimulating in all the right places