Reviews for the girls to write for u guys...

Lovelilly's Avatar
So u always wonder why we can't write our own perspective of our time together with a guy... like how many times has a guy read a review and wondered what us ladies had to say about how the session went... or why does a lady have some good reviews and some bad... well here's my outlook on it... are we as women supposed to provide good service if you STINKq?! or NOT WIPE your butt properly after u use the bathroom so when u lay down on my sheets there's a SKID MARK like u never even wiped after using the bathroom.. or what if the man is extremely OVER WEIGHT or just plain RUDE!!! Or simply just not good chemistry between the two of you...

Why is it that we can't write our side of the review...?like I have to wait to give a girl a reference letting her know he's nasty and dirty?!

Please next time you read a review or alert or comment REMEMBER you DO NOT fully know everything thing that really went on in a session..

Like they say there are 3 sides to every story his side, her side & THE TRUTH!!

SO NEXT time you write or read a review pls take these things into consideration bcz no woman is gonna give 100% if any of the above issues happen at a session!!!
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Um..... because just maybe your the one being paid. Same thing for restaurant reviews. You don’t see MIckey Ds writing reviews on the slob that comes in and orders 2 extra value meals and leaves fries all over the floor. On another note, ya do have the powder room where I assume you can relay the info on the Ass wipe challenged monger.
I agree 100% and thought the same thing, a food critic doing a review on a restaurant doesn't then get reviewed back by the restauraunt. The provider has the right to refuse service, once you agree to the donation then i feel if you expect repeat business you should provide the agreed upon service. If I read a negative review on a well known quality provider such as Kira then I question well is this real because she always goes out of her way to provide a top notch experience, its called a brand and reputation. If you are having trouble with men not be clean then come up with a solution like a quick shower before the session starts. I think the things you are complaining about are part of the profession/job you chose.
I guess you should probably make your own site for that since this one is for reviewing providers. Free country and all so go for it
Lovelilly's Avatar
I'm just saying when a guy doesn't take care of their hygiene and clean the self before session or walk into the bathroom before session and clean yourself.. WHY is it my job to tell you to wash yourself?? it's just weird asking a grown man to wash their junk... and other sites do have areas was just saying we should!!!!

Also alot of ladies don't respond to reference checks!!
I find it interesting that you, as a provider, are basically "buying" a positive review from the clients you see. You offer them $20 off a 2nd visit if they leave you a good review. Do you really think a guy will be totally honest if they know they will be getting a discount on the next visit just for reviewing you in a positive light? How is that helping other prospective clients that are looking for an honest review and not a paid review?
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
I'm just saying when a guy doesn't take care of their hygiene and clean the self before session or walk into the bathroom before session and clean yourself.. WHY is it my job to tell you to wash yourself?? it's just weird asking a grown man to wash their junk... and other sites do have areas was just saying we should!!!!

Also alot of ladies don't respond to reference checks!! Originally Posted by Lovelilly
You DO have a section that's only for providers. Ask a mod.

If a guy shows up and is a tad stinky you have every right to send them to the batroom to freshen up. Maybe that will embarASS them enough that the next time they have an appointment (if there is a next time) they spend some pregame with some TP and a washcloth
I don't understand why you wouldn't be super clean and ready to go when you visit a provider. It's common courtesy. I guess it's a "put yourself in their shoes" kind of thing with me. And, I have to believe that if you're clean everywhere, you'll most likely get better service.

And if it's a provider you're seeing for the first time, well, you know what they say about first impressions...

I've actually canceled before because I had that not-so-fresh feeling after working all day. I wouldn't want a provider to have to deal with that. However, I've also had providers I've seen before offer me their shower if I still wanted to come by after work.
Lovelilly's Avatar
Lol @ the buying reviews.... I don't even need reviews to make money it just is nice to be able to have for the men that want to know I'm not with the pigs.. ... If I have 100+ NO reviews I would still make money and I have yet to even have anyone ask for the discount after a review! And clearly that shows by the lack of recent reviews!!! So uhhhhhhhhh no YOUR WRONG !!

And thank-you to the one MAN not child who understands it's NOT MY job to tell you to wash your ass.. That was YOUR PARENTS job... If any man feels it's OK to NOT then I blame YOUR parents for not making sure you knew proper hygiene... But then again... Most of you BOYS couldn't get laid unless u paid so what do I know.... Lol
So u always wonder why we can't write our own perspective of our time together with a guy... like how many times has a guy read a review and wondered what us ladies had to say about how the session went... or why does a lady have some good reviews and some bad... well here's my outlook on it... are we as women supposed to provide good service if you STINKq?! or NOT WIPE your butt properly after u use the bathroom so when u lay down on my sheets there's a SKID MARK like u never even wiped after using the bathroom.. or what if the man is extremely OVER WEIGHT or just plain RUDE!!! Or simply just not good chemistry between the two of you...

Why is it that we can't write our side of the review...?like I have to wait to give a girl a reference letting her know he's nasty and dirty?!

Please next time you read a review or alert or comment REMEMBER you DO NOT fully know everything thing that really went on in a session..

Like they say there are 3 sides to every story his side, her side & THE TRUTH!!

SO NEXT time you write or read a review pls take these things into consideration bcz no woman is gonna give 100% if any of the above issues happen at a session!!! Originally Posted by Lovelilly
I like that idea
Your right there is a lotta slobs out there kinda like farm animals
Lovelilly's Avatar
I like that idea
Your right there is a lotta slobs out there kinda like farm animals Originally Posted by Corvette17
Well corvette thanks for being a broken down Honda and wasting my time!!! Complete bullshitter and time wasterrrr
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
dated a provider. heard shit that gave heebie geebies. threw new Egyptian cotton sheets away. covered in skids and tp balls. that is sick. know indys got some kinda bro reviews. they got vouch system. what they say about you attaches to your name.
Bummer I looked at Lovelily's showcase and saw her special but no hobby funds right now.
Lovelilly's Avatar
Awh too bad... Unfortunately Albany hasnt treated me as well as it used to... Think it's kinda gone down hill since the last time I actually came here... Too bad
TreeBark's Avatar
Albany has gone down hill for sure. The providers are not like they once were and the ones that are here are not of prime quality.
For the dudes who don't take time to get ready for a date, I do agree with you that they should. I bet there is nothing worse than skid marks on the sheets or junk that smells like ass or anything else. Cleaning my butt crack and lower unit is a daily thing for me. It's like brushing and flossing, one must do it.
Dudes, WTF?