Needing info on Lubbock

Sarah Renee's Avatar
Since I am going to plant myself here, I would like to pick the locals brains...

What are the safe and not safe areas of town these days?

I am not in a hurry to find the perfect house for me, but I would like to keep my eyes open (just in case). Things have changed since living here in 2004, so I eant to be as safe as possible.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Until we meet face to...OH MY Yummy!


Sarah Renee
I would definitely stay in southwest, west, or northwest Lubbock. Lots of new apartments, houses, shopping areas. Everything seems to be heading that way anyways.

I think general these are pretty safe. I know in the last couple of weeks there was lots of burglaries, like 60+ according to the news, but I think they may have caught the folks.
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I know in the last couple of weeks there was lots of burglaries, like 60+ according to the news, but I think they may have caught the folks. Originally Posted by DC4L2015
60+ burglaries over a two werk period is safe? That's one every six hours or more. Dang maybe I need to rethink living in Lubbock.

NAW! I'm a rancher's daughter. I can handle anything thrown at me.
CryptKicker's Avatar
It was car burglaries and mostly at apartment complexes. Same thing can and does happen in every decent size town.

The question you have to ask yourself is are you going to provide out of the same location that you are living at? If so, you will want to judge the location as far as traffic and the "age" of the neighborhood. If you are not going to then there are a lot of reasonable apartments that other ladies use here to provide out of.
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I was teasing. M y home town is less than 2500 and there has been two murders in the last six months.

I knew the northwest used to be safe. Nice to know the southwest is too.

I will be working at home. I have for the last 20 some years and found as long as I screen I am safer. I only see one or two clients per day.

Traffic won't be an issue since I also do massage plus have a quilting and custom candies business. I always give the person I rent from discounts on massage, so they see me as legit and not just a cover up.

Thanks for the information. I will probably stay put for a while. This location offers me alot of benefits I wouldn't have in my own place. Next spring I will look into more options when I see how the market here flows throughout the year.

Sarah Renee
My biggest problem with Lubbock is all the college kids and the late hours.

Also, I'm pretty sure the neighbor who lives above me is a provider as that's a lot of banging and showers.