Well shit.

Weird day, I got up extra early this morning for no real reason, worked around the house and dozed off in my favorite recliner late this afternoon... then I woke up. I thought it was Tuesday morning so I started getting ready for work until I realized it was getting darker outside. It was 6:45 PM.

tracerxxx's Avatar
RL its called dementia and it happens to all old people. I just hope that by the time I get to your age. When its time for me to go into an assisted living facility. There will whore houses that double as retirement homes for old pervs like me. That way I dont have to stop nailing young poon. Maybe eating steak will be out of the question you know with the dentures and all but I should still be able to eat all the hot young poon I can afford. I am going to give new meaning to the term golden years.
BC, you know I hate your ass right?
Sorry RL I couldn't resist picking at your advanced age lol

You know you like the idea of being put out to pasture in a whorehouse. If it were a real thing I would do it now. Hell I have actually tried but they made me leave. I tried moving into the 777 once years ago and they were having none of it. When I showed up with my blanket pillow and toothbrush the mamasan said "NO YOU NO LIVE HERE YOU GO SCARE GIRLS TO MUCH BOOM BOOM" So me being the deep thinker that I am I hooked up the camper and parked it in the lot. Can you believe those little asian girls ran me out again. Hey you cant blame a boy for trying