Creepy Doesn't Begin to Describe It

This is my creepiest encounter...What's yours?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Can't you tell the story here instead of trying to drive traffic to your blog?
What difference does it make? It's easier for me to post the link.
discreetgent's Avatar
Can't you tell the story here instead of trying to drive traffic to your blog? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
And hear complaints about how long posts are? lol

What difference does it make? It's easier for me to post the link.
It doesn't, atl must be in one of his ornery moods tonight.
atlcomedy's Avatar
The gal has been pumping her blog for nearly a year now. This is a blatant, "Come visit my blog and see the latest entry" post in my view.

Certainly she is welcome to post whatever she wants. But I'll call 'em as I see see 'em.

For the record I have no beef with her & was one of the few people that defended her last year when there were questions about her motives, identity, etc.

If candor makes me ornery, DG, so be it.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I do want people to read my blog but I only post links to them here when I think it could make an interesting thread. In this case I'd love to know the weird, unusual sessions other providers have experienced.
The gal has been pumping her blog for nearly a year now. This is a blatant, "Come visit my blog and see the latest entry" post in my view.

Certainly she is welcome to post whatever she wants. But I'll call 'em as I see see 'em.

For the record I have no beef with her & was one of the few people that defended her last year when there were questions about her motives, identity, etc.

If candor makes me ornery, DG, so be it. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You could always start a blog with your answer and put a link to it on here
Trust me, I prefer a link as opposed to pasting in a diatribe ever hour.

Alex is a good writer and her blog has been entertaining since she started it. This particular blog post was good in that you could feel her anxiety over Bozo and her decision making process throughout her um date. Some how "date" doesn't seem right in this case. Yup you can say I am white knighting her. I good with that. Disclaimer, I've never met Alex and prolly will never have the chance. I seem to be in that pattern of late.
EJunkie's Avatar
He probably thought the clown costume was a better choice than a hazmat suit
This isn't all about his Germ Phobia. Cause if it was, I don't think Alex would have had to dress up like a little girl. If he needed you to don a costume he should have made it less perverted by you maybe wearing something like a Female Clown Outfit. He could have said something like " For so long I've lusted over you as you bend over to pick up the Bowling Pins" I know it may sound corny but it's far better than banging some kid at the circus or a little girl at her Birthday Party. Anyway its a hell of a dam story.
Alex, first off.... I say that you are a very good writer and should engage yourself into writing romance novels.... or freeky fiction.

I'm with the same idea as ACP5762.
My thoughts on what this guy's fantasy truly is? I think he is one of those "clowns" that performs at kids birthday parties..... and he might be a type of pediphile... that directs his actions to providers (thank god it's not the kids).

That's my take on it.
Not sure I buy the whole germ phobia exuse.

I've had some strange encounters but none as strange as that.
Once.... I had a guy want me to plead with him and call him Daddy the whole time.... saying ... oh Daddy.... please don't hurt me.... please don't!

That is f***ked up in my opinion. I never will see him again.

Rudyard K's Avatar
Shameless promiton or not...

Criticism's or not...

That is some Freaky sh*t!!
christinadiamonte's Avatar
I've had one of those school girl fantasy experiences once, and I totally agree it's creepy when they talk about their 14 year old step daughter the whole time. I don't usually reply to these I just like reading them. But I never forgot about this particaularly creepy day. It changed the way I look at what I do. Girls like us probably do more good to the world with pediphiles and if we can give a guy the time of day that can't get a date at least we are here and those guy's have an alternative option.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I confess.

I didn't read it.