Porn store adventures

graphpaper458's Avatar
So I was checking out the adult store in Kingston the other day and a question crossed my mind. Not sure how many of you have been there; main area is clean and bright, but the viewing booths around the corner are not. I opened a door to check it out but there was already a dude in there taking care of business, so I went to another. My question is, have any of you had a special encounter in the porn store video booth, either planned with a friend/gf/provider or someone you meet there? Also, why were there so many security guards? There was one on each corner.
I habe been there (Porn store in Troy) w client.. Was alotta fun. Will elaborate more later when I have time
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Played around in a porn shop on a sugar daddy date. Dinner, strip club, adult store... perfect date!
Guest072118's Avatar
I used to work at one many years ago. The booths were popular for singles and couples. Half gay, half straight.

Security is partly for the creepers, they dont want those trying to hook up... linger and creep other partons out.

The place I worked was all cameras and if we saw creepin' it was get in a booth or get the Fuck out and you said it as such.

People knew the rules.
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Just be careful where you stick your stick. Ya never know who or what is on the other side.

PS: Being the mop guy after closing has got to be one of the most disgusting jobs out there.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I'm going to the wrong adult stores....I haven't seen any in my local area anyways with viewing booths.
graphpaper458's Avatar
Haha, I didn't even think about the clean up crew. I bet they have some Interesting stories
So i have a reg that i see often (he is bi) we go to poen store booth, get in a booth that has a glass partition in it so we can see guy next to us and he can see us too.. we play around for awhile together and let him watch, And if he seems like somebody we're interested in playing with will open the door and let him come join us. It's a lot of fun!! The spontaneity and the impulsiveness of it is very exciting
YOU sure are a very open minded wonder you are so popular!!
Have had several GH encounters with couples over the years, but yeah mostly guys. Now the place in EG/Resnnselear had a couple SB I've taken there and we play in the theater area. Just fucking HOT! Once I got them started they had cocks all around them. Seriously hot time and lots of fun
Meowwww!!!!! Originally Posted by Saltcitykitten

Ur welcome to join !!!!

Could always use another yummy kitty !!!
