With so much shit posting that's allowed here now, I thinks it's important to stay the course of why we're here.
A shout out to all of the ladies who come in here.
I, and many many of the other hobbyist who reside here, we appreciate/respect you. I mean like we really FUCKING do !
You are a special group of women who make men extremely happy. When/if you ever think it's not worth it, re-read this.
In my opinion, it's not a life long career but make the best of it while you're here. Make some money, make some friends - I know I make some friends and others just prefer to be only be acquaintances and that's also perfect! Two way street there.
Yeah, you're just special.
I don't need to go on and go on............it's you, yes, you....you're special - be smart, be strong, be generous, be honorable ( yeah, I know, keep it real ), and keep demanding respect !