For the best service, stay away from the the big commercial brothels like Felinas, Perla Negra, la vie en rose, Sugargirlsbcn, Apricots, etc.
If you absolutely must have a line-up, Top Damas is probably slightly better.
But the best places are the ones favored by the locals, where you generally make an appointment first. Although the largest Devorah's location often has line-ups available. All three of these places have BBBJ as the standard with no Upsells.
These are a number of other places that do not have a separate website that are the best of all. Use Google Chrome as your browser in order to get a translation, and explore these apartments that are shared by several ladies you make a separate appointment with. They are fantastic and are almost all 18-23 years old. The last one below does not always get quite as good of reviews, except for superstar Barbie.
If you don't speak Spanish, you need to communicate using whatsapp for the last four links. It is likely that Devorah Suites and capricivic can communicate in English, but whatsapp and google translate is a useful backup.