Being super careful.

I just wanted to kind of throw this out there. I really hope that all of you guys are sympathetic to the fact that I am literally having to re-screen EVERYONE to be as safe as I can. Especially all that seems to be going on.Even having to turn down some of my favorite longest friends until there are recent provider references and p411 is good and fine IF you have recent okay's on there. Anyway what I am saying is please bare with me .... I think most our goals are 1)BE SAFE 2)have fun.

Very happy to be back though

P.S. I had a lot to catch up on so if I ask you something twice I apologize in advanced.

Bailey glad your're back..
You're a gem arpund these W TX parts,so I'm sure the gents understand and know that good things come to those who wait

Thank you Ash that means a lot :*
That is great Bailey. Safety 1st!....then we can have lots of fun.
Do you need my info, or did you already run it last week? TB
I wish I had a appointment so you could screen me, you owe me one. Remember?
Yeah, come on and get me screened too!