Roofied and robbed

Yep. I definitely carry some guilt, since I was quite intoxicated when I decided to call a provider to my room. Things get pretty blurry after her arrival, just remember waking up, fully dressed (I think), confused, hallucinating, poor coordination, blurry vision, empty wallet, but ID and credit cards present. Terrified I had a stroke, but MRI was negative.

Sooo. I obviously can't post a bad review (she is in Canada, anyway) since she may have my RL information. How nervous should I be about this affecting my RL. I'm hoping after I went down she just took the money and left. Has this happened to anyone else?

Appreciate any feedback.
Well, to intelligent people anyways...

It wasn't Bill Cosby was it??
TinMan's Avatar
At the very least, I’d cancel any credit cards you had in your wallet, and make sure there aren’t any strange charges from the time this happened until you cancel the cards.
It seems unclear as to how you were roofied. It doesn't seem like you were roofied by the girl as you state you were already drunk before the encounter. So did you get your drinks at the bar? Always make sure to watch the bartender carefully and your drink is being made to make sure there's no funny business going on. Also, if you leave to go to the restroom just take your drink with you. Might seem like a disgusting thing to do but leaving your drink unattended is asking for trouble. This goes for the ladies, too.
Did you have more money in your wallet than her fee? Maybe you passed out after she got there and she just took her fee & left.
At the very least, I’d cancel any credit cards you had in your wallet, and make sure there aren’t any strange charges from the time this happened until you cancel the cards. Originally Posted by TinMan
I'd do the same. Also put a freeze on your credit, just in case she tries to use info she took from your ID's..
joesmo888's Avatar
she isn't dumb enough to use your CC#, that is an easy way to track her down. but i would let the bank know about this incident so they list the #'s as stolen and issue you new cards, so if she is desperate enough to give the #'s to a friend they will bust them.

my question is did you verify this chick? where did you find her? you need to be smarter than this. always do your homework on a chick
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-27-2017, 12:36 PM
It seems to me, he was drunk, made arrangements, she showed up, he passed out, and she likely took her fee and left.

Nothing else was stolen... phone, watch, laptop etc... Doesn't scream typical robbery to me.