6 things you didn't know your Penis could do....

I was reading through some posts and i came across this interesting article...


thought i would share....enjoy!!!
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 10-26-2017, 04:02 PM
I always said that the little head has a mind of his own, now I know he smiles ��
Cheesecake7's Avatar
"So if your penis dangles to the left, that could help explain why you’re great at algebra but crappy at guessing your girlfriend’s mood."

Ha! That answers a lot of questions!
burkalini's Avatar
My penis can make me do things that I shouldn't. That selfish fucker.
cowboy8055's Avatar
What if it hangs dead center? Does that mean you're crazy or something.

I know one thing the penis can't do. He can't drive for shit. Never let him take the wheel.
I know one thing the penis can't do. He can't drive for shit. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Now hold on one second. Mine drives REALLY well. I know this, because I paid her $$$ to tell me it does...

It hangs dead center when you get old, like me.
Monthly erections really suck.

What if it hangs dead center? Does that mean you're crazy or something.

I know one thing the penis can't do. He can't drive for shit. Never let him take the wheel. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
joesmo888's Avatar
interesting, thanks for the link. i wish this type of thing was posted more often on here
That's is really interesting