obamacare subsidy lawsuit

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Chhabria, appointed by former Democratic President Barack Obama, wrote that although the case appeared to be a close call, “it appears initially that the Trump administration has the stronger legal argument.”

looks bad for the dem subsidy moochers.
How many Obama EO's did it take to hold the thing together? And the business mandate they said that was crucial to the success has never kicked in. Ridiculous.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
don't know how many EO's he wrote, prolly over 20 EO & MOUs to make this thing work.

yep ridiculous.

Chhabria, appointed by former Democratic President Barack Obama, wrote that although the case appeared to be a close call, “it appears initially that the Trump administration has the stronger legal argument.”

looks bad for the dem subsidy moochers. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good. Now lets hope Trump doesn't cave in on the Senate's plan to EXTEND those same subsidies..