Very Excited

Date: 10/26/2017
Provider: Charlie Lust
Phone Email
Email Check showcase
URL / Check Showcase
City: Houston
State: Texas
Area / Address:Houston
Appointment Type:Outcall
Provider Category: Independent
Activities:Specials on request
Fee: $300
Total Paid: $300
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length:Long Black Hair that extends slightly below her
Age: 25 or so
Race: Mixed
Perfume/Fragrance: Fresh and Strawberries
Smoking Status: Could Not Tell Either Way
Where did you hear about this provider? site

She is the most exciting and beautiful girl I have every met. She is tall and great to look. She is very intelligent and very easy to talk to. She made me bubbly and excited and I like her very much.
dj8rocks's Avatar
Good attempt at a first review. Go to your area specific forums and click on the "New Review" tab instead of the "New Thread" tab, that way you can just fill in the blanks and not have to copy and paste. To get premium access, you will also have to provide links to her website or showcase, everwhich applies. Good luck