what yall b*tch*s want from

a staff edit..SMI..luv that dmx song

this goes for both all yall perverts here..and hopefully some women answer as well.

but WHAT THE FUCK!...i've been going out to bars/clubs and talking to girls at school...i like all types but i just got sosmething for black girls so thats all ive been on the prowl for. i be out at clubs ill be dancing with d hoes...grinding str8 up grabbing ass and titties and sometimes even pussy, and when i finally ask em..what they are doing after the club or if i can have their number..they all hit me with the same ol bullshit..."i got a bf" ..i'm smart enough to know that 1...she aint interested or 2..maybe she wants some side dick...i got a few black friends so i be pickign up a lil game from them. got my shoe game on point..new clothes..lookign fresh an shiet.. but they all tell me black women take work..or they are all on that bullshit..playing games and shit. which so far has been the case. i mean damn..maybe thats just how they dance? cause shit..if i had a gf and shes all dry humping on the dance floor..i think i'd be pissed. anyways...im assuming not everyone on here is a loser like me..and actually gets pussy with out having to pay for it all th etime..so any advice yall got is greatly appreciated.
Dorian.Gray's Avatar
This post is so ethnic it gave sickle cell anemia.
bigbadbill969's Avatar
Can someone please interpret this for me?
Dorian.Gray's Avatar
Translation: I'm a dumb negro who will end up on the News in the next 18 months for being an idiot and called a "good man" who took care of his 5 kids from 3 different baby mamma's.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Since when is the "N" word allowed ?
mzluvly's Avatar
Since when is the "N" word allowed ? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
And he's a AA male 🤐🤐
He got part of it right......"im assuming not everyone on here is a loser like me"
I'm making this assumption based on the grammar in your post and that since you wrote " i got a few black friends so i be pickign up a lil game from them", I assume you're white. If you speak to them in the same way you attempt to write, you need to take a minute and say these things out loud back to yourself and really think about how you intentionally are trying to sound. If this is too confusing, try this." I be tryn to sound like a dumbass to b empresin you. I be doin it on purpose to show you bitchs I be havin game I gots from my black friends den I be on d post askin for how to get wit you hoes cuz I cant be understandin why my shoe game is on point and I'm fresh and shiet but you be able to be seein that I gots no game so ima be jerkin off again tonight" . I'm not insulting you. I'm sure somewhere in the world ones level of masculinity and attractiveness to the opposite sex is directly related to just how ignorant one can make themselves sound . You needa be tryn to goes ther
Slitlikr's Avatar
Based on his handle, I guess hispanic ^^^^
TryWeakly's Avatar
And he's a AA male 🤐🤐 Originally Posted by mzluvly
AsianAmerican ? Still fucking confused about that shit.
I have gotten two idiots banned for using the 'N' word and I am hoping for a third ban
Damn. You're really sensitive. It humor dude
Prime Time's Avatar
Shit I be at the club and you know what I'm saying shoe game be on point too but maybe change them Jordans out with some straight up Gucci loafers shine on them hoes.

(college helps too)
Quick note to black guys out there. Don't tell instfixer what's on your playlist. You're gonna get banned by association