Reviews, and submitting them.

hookem69horns's Avatar
I have been a member for a while, not long compared to some. I have mainly been posting my reviews on TER but have met several providers that also mention posting reviews on ECCIE. To be honest, I could never figure out where the heck you posted, and didn't take the time to look further down the page.

At any rate, I have seen 25+ providers since last August, have written reviews (on TER) for 19 of them ... can I add those to ECCIE or do I need to start adding new ones, or ones wherein I've seen the provider in the last 30-days? 60-days? 90-days?

I have noticed that my posts get very little response, maybe it is the way they are written (upfront, candid, very open) but I'm also thinking it may have to do with my account reflecting no reviews, as providers with no reviews impact hobbyist's decisions to contact them. Just a thought.

Reviews add to the credibility of a hobbyist.

I have not taken the time to read your posts, but this post seems to be respectable.

In general, reviews should be recent and credit is not given for reviews over 30 days old. Read the thread posted at the top of the review forum(s). It will tell you a bit about what is expected. Most new reviewers fail to provide enough information in the ROS section (rest of the story), so pay attention to that area.

A few reviews, especially of some respected ladies will raise your credibility with both gus and gals.