***Getting A phone flashed!***

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

Does anyone know about getting a phone flashed? I got a new phone and got it flashed with my number but I don't have the same features as the original phone and both of my phones ring at the same time....how could this be a good thing?

Please enlightening on the good and bad of flashing phones, please!




Does anyone know about getting a phone flashed? I got a new phone and got it flashed with my number but I don't have the same features as the original phone and both of my phones ring at the same time....how could this be a good thing?

Please enlightening on the good and bad of flashing phones, please!


Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT
jframe2's Avatar
"Flashing" a smart-phone can mean several things. Could you give us an idea of what was done to your phone that you are referring to as "flashing"?

And maybe a little more information as to what it is doing now after flashing that you are having trouble with? Also, type of phone, etc.
Technology and good coffee are two of my three favorite things in the morning!
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

Thanks for replying jframe2

I went to one of those "used" phone stores and bought a older slide motorola phone (needed it for texting) and they said they could flash it for me (so I didn't have to take it back to a cricket store to get it reset) so I paid them 70 bucks for the phone and to have it "flashed"..thinking it would save me some extra foot work but now I think I made a bad decision.

1. I can't use my browser that I pay a fee for

2. It doesn't ring if the original phone is powered off

3. Both phones ring on incoming messages and calls when they are powered on

4. I can answer either phone when it rings...

So now, I found out these stores are run by "bad" ventures.... I have gone ahead an signed up with a "real" cellular carrier for my personal cell phone.

Thanks for you help! I was trying to save myself some $ by not buying a high priced phone (for hobbying, might have to toss it) from cricket and no I don't have a iphone or smart phone yet....$$$$$$

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
I found my answer...

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100604181128AA29nm C

A partial flash is when you basically just reprogram the phone to connect to a different carrier. This can sometimes be as simple as accessing your phones service menu to enter the correct information, but usually it requires flashing whats called a Preferred Roaming List or prl file. This is a list of cell tower IDs that the carrier your looking to use runs their network on. Partial flashes only reprogram your phones technical settings so it connects to your desired carrier. They do not rewrite any system software to your phone. i.e. you have a Verizon phone and I flash a Cricket PRL to it and point its settings to Cricket's network. Bang, your phone is now on cricket, but it still has Verizon's software on it, and still appears to be a Verizon phone. This is why it's called a partial flash. You usually only get part of the functionality you would have if the phone had Cricket's software on it instead of Verizon's.

jframe2's Avatar
Dear WetVelvet,
The answer from Yahoo is very accurate as to what flashing is. And from that answer and how you described your problem. It sounds like the "flashed" phone was not compatible with your current phone network.

If you are going to go for a complete new setup for the hobby, you might consider a smartphone and then get a google voice number. It has its drawbacks in that there is a paper trail from your original phone service provider to/from the google number which is not useful for those that have SO's and family plan phones, etc. But you only have one phone. And it has other cool features as well.

If you are looking for a smartphone, go to Wirefly.com. They have incredible deals on phones including free phones with new service.

Sounds like you are back in the game.
Play safe,
Jframe2 aka Pinky the Bull!!
Technology and good coffee are two of my three of my favorite things in the morning.
PS- you are a gorgeous woman and would love to show you around KC.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

Yes, I'm going for another setup for the hobby. I went to Cricket to see if I could get the "new" phone added to my account and they said they couldn't add it nor could they tell that I had another phone connected to my number, which is a very bad thing!

I found out anyone can buy a phone and have it flashed to certain carriers such as Cricket and carriers like Cricket can't even tell that someone has flashed/cloned your number....that is very dangerous.....especially if you have enemies or LE is after you...

Be careful if you have a cricket phone! I'm glad I found out now.....

And thank you for the compliment! I will hold you to that offer once I decided to leave Texas.....I have noticed KC has a very "live" hobby world.... You guys are catching up to SA.... way to go!
