land line debate

missi hart's Avatar
i have just about had it with att. i have just basic local service with call waiting and they have steadily increased the charges so that it is now $40/month, which just seems outrageous to me. i do have a cell phone, but so far i've been resistant to cancel my land line and go strictly cellular. i would have to upgrade my alarm system to wireless (which probably should be done regardless), but i would probably still save money by getting rid of my land line.

i'm just curious to get opinions from others about this. is it antiquated to keep a land line these days? for those that have gone all cellular, have you had any regrets? i have satellite so digital phone via cable isn't another option, but i am also considering vonage as an alternative to the land line since it's cheaper than what i pay for just local service with att and it provides long distance. anyone with any experience with vonage?

thanks for any input that can be offered!
nuglet's Avatar
I have a land line but the last time I actually used it was over a year ago. I guess that's cheating a bit. I give everyone my landline #, never my cell number. I've had the same phone # (landline) since the mid 60's and once in a while I get calls from old friends that are stunned to see I'm "listed" in the phone book. The only reason I keep the landline is because I've had the number forever and for the occasional contact from old friends that still have that old #, or call information. If you don't want, or need the "old contacts" convenience, ditch it.
one downside to losing the landline is if you ever get popped by LE and get sent to the holding pen, you can only call a landline.
sixxbach's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-22-2010, 08:52 PM
I dumped my land line several years ago. I have not missed it since.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 02-23-2010, 09:40 AM
Does digital phone service from Time Warner or U-verse count as a landline?
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-23-2010, 11:08 AM
How about skype?

Seriously, though, I haven't had a landline since 2002.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Does digital phone service from Time Warner or U-verse count as a landline? Originally Posted by ezman
I think landlines are important to have, whatever it costs is less than the cost in the event of an emergency and the cell doesn't work, bad reception etc. Of course if the cable goes out the phone goes out, but chances of both a cell and a land line being out at the same time are slim.

I would say both U-verse and Time Warner ( thieves) count as land lines.
Most satellite cable companies require you to keep a phone line connected to your translator so thay can track your usage and pay per views. If your satellite is providing your internet, then a ciop service will not work due to the communications lag time. But for pure phone service, two cells are cheaper than one landline. I'd dump it if an option.
  • Paven
  • 03-05-2010, 01:02 PM
I only have a land line. I gave up my cell phone last year January and I didn't explode lol.
I'll probably get a cell just to have in the car for emergencies but I am fine without one for the most part. I can't stand texting and would rather talk to someone where they can hear my tone and we can laugh together. I know I'm one of the few without the cell but I have no problem keeping it old school.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Most satellite cable companies require you to keep a phone line connected to your translator so thay can track your usage and pay per views. If your satellite is providing your internet, then a ciop service will not work due to the communications lag time. But for pure phone service, two cells are cheaper than one landline. I'd dump it if an option. Originally Posted by Glider
A buddy had this discussion with the satellite company. They said you had to have a land line to make the satellite receiver work. He figured out they wanted him to have a land line so they could screw him for pay per view.

He called up the sales people and said, "I don't have a land line. I don't want pay per view. Do you want to sell me a satellite system?" They said "no problem" and hooked him up. There was a 30 day satisfaction guarantee or some such, so there was very little risk to him. He's had it for several years now.