To all my fellow veterans!

Those who risked their lives so civilians could be safe.
Those who prayed to be able to go home safe.
Those who lost their lives in the line of battle.
Those who have flashbacks and find it hard to live a normal life.
Those who are reading this.

Let's take a moment in our busy lives to commemorate these heroes!

Happy Veterans Day!
MisterMeat's Avatar
Amen to that! Thank you to all who served!!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Shameful that some City of Houston government jackass(es), in their superior wisdom, decided to pre-empt the Veterans' Day Parade tomorrow for some dipshit fun run. Even more shameful that none of the responsible pissants will lose his/her job for basically telling veterans to go fuck themselves/ourselves.

I'd bet none of those bastards would even think of pre-empting the Cocksuckers' Pride Parade.
  • b4igo
  • 11-10-2017, 09:28 AM
I always thought you were one cool lady.

Now that I know you are also a Veteran, my admiration grows.

Thank you for your Service and your continuing "services"!!!
If anyone read my post responding to someone calling the NRA " domestic terrorist" you know I did 20 in the USMC and been out 2 yrs. I'd do another 20 with a smile. I appreciate anyone that thanks me for my service but want say I'd rather see the appreciation go to my brothers who didn't make it home. I actually feel a little awkward when people approach me at work or new friends that discover my past. I know others kinda also experience this feeling. Again, PLEASE don't take my meaning wrong. I just get a little embarrassed by the attention but deeply appreciate it especially with the hate from some pro teams right now. I say a prayer thanking them everyday. I personally received 2 purple hearts but really means nothing to me after seeing others give their lives. Not even really sure what I'm trying to say here except I hope when you think of soldiers you focus more on the lost one's. PTSD, anxiety, stress whatever you want to call it. I'm alive to experience it or not experience it. They aren't. Sorry this is a little long but this is a personal thing that means a lot to me. So, thank you to my brothers who I stood beside with pride and admiration not much means more to me than the time I had to know you and you are remembered everyday. Semper Fi
I always thought you were one cool lady.

Now that I know you are also a Veteran, my admiration grows.

Thank you for your Service and your continuing "services"!!! Originally Posted by b4igo
Thank you
Shameful that some City of Houston government jackass(es), in their superior wisdom, decided to pre-empt the Veterans' Day Parade tomorrow for some dipshit fun run. Even more shameful that none of the responsible pissants will lose his/her job for basically telling veterans to go fuck themselves/ourselves.

I'd bet none of those bastards would even think of pre-empting the Cocksuckers' Pride Parade. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I know right...
swarley69's Avatar
Those who risked their lives so civilians could be safe.
Those who prayed to be able to go home safe.
Those who lost their lives in the line of battle.
Those who have flashbacks and find it hard to live a normal life.
Those who are reading this.

Let's take a moment in our busy lives to commemorate these heroes!

Happy Veterans Day!
Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Preach on sister!!!
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 11-10-2017, 03:19 PM
To the OP
Happy Birthday Devil Dog.
Semper Fi
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 11-10-2017, 03:19 PM
To the OP
Happy Birthday Devil Dog.
Semper Fi