Best SA Stripclubs?

During my Visit I plan to dance but have no idea what clubs are the hot as far as location. Any Tips ? Thanks in advance!
LyssandraAsh's Avatar
If you're just visiting I would suggest San Antonio Men's Club
sca8022's Avatar
SA Mens' Club used to be really good until the old managers left and bought Vanity/Trophies. The last few times we went there it was dead :/
LyssandraAsh's Avatar
SA Mens' Club used to be really good until the old managers left and bought Vanity/Trophies. The last few times we went there it was dead :/ Originally Posted by sca8022
Damn that sucks! I haven't been in a while. I guess it's time for me to go strip club hopping again lol it's one of my favorite things
Dr Grey's Avatar
Sugars or Perfect 10s get good crowds on certain nights. P10s on Tuedays, Sugars weekends. I haven't been in a while but have friends who really like both. Would say they might be the best clubs right now.

The Palace I think is one of the tops also, or used to be. But not sure on what days.
I worked at paradise a looonnnggg time ago (2009?) and it was good moneywise. I have no clue how it is today but I've head that's it's still a dump. If you go there, please report back on their bathrooms. Their bathrooms looked like someone in a 3rd world country would shit in.

On the other hand, I did visit SA Men's club with a client and that place was dead as f*ck.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I worked at paradise a looonnnggg time ago (2009?) and it was good moneywise. I have no clue how it is today but I've head that's it's still a dump. If you go there, please report back on their bathrooms. Their bathrooms looked like someone in a 3rd world country would shit in.

On the other hand, I did visit SA Men's club with a client and that place was dead as f*ck. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Paradise was facing a lawsuit as of last year due to prostitution among other things. I think it's still shut down, correct me if I'm wrong.
mirandalee's Avatar
I am currently dancing here in SA and let me tell you all the clubs suck they are not what they used to be. XTC you have to wear full bottoms (can not show your ass) and wear latex even though you can not take your top off also... The weekends at XTC are great but you have to dance a Monday, Tues, or Weds to be able to dance on the weekends or else they charge you
$50 housefee to work. Blush slow as fuck, but you do get some good customers if you are lucky. Some play in VIP or in the back red room. I have hung out at Trophies night shift it is a bit ghetto but was packed the couple times I have went. Sugars is more like a dam bar lol.. good luck making money there as most guys just go there to drink. Rick's is turning into XTC showing nothing. PT's is good. Paradise um stay away lol... gotta pay $40 bucks before you can work and it's slow there... good luck to ya... I want to try SPICE I heard its good on tuesdays they have $2 you call it there.
Thank you for saving me lol, I actually am thinking about making the drives to Austin. The Whole not getting naked thing comes from VLive brand and other new major clubs in the south. Sometimes I️ agree with it but then again most girls still do what they want. In Cali I️ know we never care at AOD & Crazy Girls.

I am currently dancing here in SA and let me tell you all the clubs suck they are not what they used to be. XTC you have to wear full bottoms (can not show your ass) and wear latex even though you can not take your top off also... The weekends at XTC are great but you have to dance a Monday, Tues, or Weds to be able to dance on the weekends or else they charge you
$50 housefee to work. Blush slow as fuck, but you do get some good customers if you are lucky. Some play in VIP or in the back red room. I have hung out at Trophies night shift it is a bit ghetto but was packed the couple times I have went. Sugars is more like a dam bar lol.. good luck making money there as most guys just go there to drink. Rick's is turning into XTC showing nothing. PT's is good. Paradise um stay away lol... gotta pay $40 bucks before you can work and it's slow there... good luck to ya... I want to try SPICE I heard its good on tuesdays they have $2 you call it there. Originally Posted by mirandalee
Paradise was facing a lawsuit as of last year due to prostitution among other things. I think it's still shut down, correct me if I'm wrong. Originally Posted by RogueOne
I heard that a dead body was found in the parking lot.
Thank you for saving me lol, I actually am thinking about making the drives to Austin. The Whole not getting naked thing comes from VLive brand and other new major clubs in the south. Sometimes I️ agree with it but then again most girls still do what they want. In Cali I️ know we never care at AOD & Crazy Girls. Originally Posted by DaniellexxRose
Honey, if you are driving to SA (thru Austin), dance in austin. Much more lenient laws than sa city council allows. You might have "fun" trying one of the sa clubs but you may not make a lot of money. PLUS with the holidays approaching discretionary funds on the of customer side might start to get a little lighter than usual and christmas bonuses - if any - are 5 weeks away.

BOTTOM LINE...there are no "best" clubs in town cause if there was I'd be there right now.
mirandalee's Avatar
They always find dead bodies at Paradise nothing new lol.. But yeah Austin has better clubs I have danced at a couple of them way better. The only way to make good money here is to establish regular customers which I have so Im lucky. Austin is your best bet have fun and get money doll you are sexy as hell so it shouldn't be difficult for ya..
Honey, if you are driving to SA (thru Austin), dance in austin. Much more lenient laws than sa city council allows. You might have "fun" trying one of the sa clubs but you may not make a lot of money. PLUS with the holidays approaching discretionary funds on the of customer side might start to get a little lighter than usual and christmas bonuses - if any - are 5 weeks away.

BOTTOM LINE...there are no "best" clubs in town cause if there was I'd be there right now. Originally Posted by hittinit
I second hittinit's comments...
Go to Austin...