U.S. Commander in Iraq: 'We Don't Get 20 Questions' From Trump White House

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
U.S. Commander in Iraq: 'We Don't Get 20 Questions' From Trump White House


By Susan Jones | September 1, 2017 | 6:21 AM EDT

(CNSNews.com) - In a candid exchange with reporters on Thursday, the commanding general of coalition forces in Iraq expressed appreciation for President Donald Trump's approach to the military.

Instead of micro-managing events on the battlefield, Trump leaves the decision-making to leaders in the field.

A reporter asked Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend how "this decentralization has helped in your campaign" to defeat ISIS:

Townsend replied:
I will say that the current administration has pushed decision-making down into the military chain of command. And I don't know of a commander in our armed forces that doesn't appreciate that. I'll -- I'll prefer not to go into specific examples.

I will say that probably a key result of that is that we don't get second-guessed a lot. Our judgment here on the battlefield in the forward areas is trusted. And we don't get 20 questions with every action that happens on the battlefield and every action that we take.

And again, I think every commander that I know of appreciates being given the authority and responsibility, and then the trust and backing to implement that. So, that's what I'll say.
In response to another similar question, Townsend said he believes both the Obama and Trump administrations are "all in" on defeating ISIS, but he said the Trump administration has "empowered the chain of command to make more decisions on their own, and has then given top cover to the chain of command, I think, for the decisions that are being made. And I think that's important.

"And that has -- just that alone has effects that reverberate throughout a military organization when they feel like they've been given the -- the authority and the trust to act and act aggressively. Then commanders...aren't constantly calling back to higher headquarters asking for permission, but they're free to act. And I think that's probably very empowering for any commander in our armed forces."
Former Defense Secretaries Robert Gates and Leon Panetta both complained about the Obama administration's micro-management of the military:

According to Military.com, Gates in 2014 told a national defense forum that members of the Obama National Security Council staff directly called four-star generals to discuss strategy and tactics.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told the same forum that the Obama White House was even picking targets for airstrikes.
Let God sort them. Hoo-Yeah!
bambino's Avatar
Someone explain this to Speedy. He seems to think there wasn’t a change in strategy when it pertains to ISIS. Or any other military action. Trump has delegated the decision making to the battlefield commanders.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Someone explain this to Speedy. He seems to think there wasn’t a change in strategy when it pertains to ISIS. Or any other military action. Trump has delegated the decision making to the battlefield commanders. Originally Posted by bambino

speedy is too stubborn in his leftist hate mongering to get the point, in specific that Trump understands who best it is to run a Mil Op and in the larger picture he's far from the war monger nuke crazy president the media attempted to portray him as. i mean .. the Dems even invoked the Goldwater Ad on him and he still won. somewhere in the cosmos, Barry is smiling.

*Staff Edit - JCM

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
Someone explain this to Speedy. He seems to think there wasn’t a change in strategy when it pertains to ISIS. Or any other military action. Trump has delegated the decision making to the battlefield commanders. Originally Posted by bambino
Which is how it SHOULD have been from the get go!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ozzy says .. "INVOKE 1488 NOW!"

1488!! NOW!

LexusLover's Avatar
speedy is too stubborn in his leftist hate mongering to get the point,..... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
... with a heavy lacing of self-promoted fake intellectualism camouflaging deficiencies spawned by insecurity based upon the reality of ignorance.

Seems I recall his pronouncement of "military experience" to be target practice.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Someone explain this to Speedy. He seems to think there wasn’t a change in strategy when it pertains to ISIS. Or any other military action. Trump has delegated the decision making to the battlefield commanders. Originally Posted by bambino
I cited the statements of people who said that the only change in strategy was the speed at which the strategy was being implemented with no other change in how things were being done. If you or anyone else has information that states that different military strategy was being done while Trump has been in office as opposed to when Obama was in office, please provide a link.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... with a heavy lacing of self-promoted fake intellectualism camouflaging deficiencies spawned by insecurity based upon the reality of ignorance.

Seems I recall his pronouncement of "military experience" to be target practice. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Another ignorant statement from our resident lying, ignorant, redneck, hillbilly who adds exactly zero to the discussion.

Still waiting for you to tell me what I've lied about on this forum since you've accused me of being a liar.

Still waiting for you to tell me exactly where the trailer parks are in Cedar Park since you've said they are here.

Still waiting for you to back up your LIE that I sent someone to your area to gather information on you.

And still waiting for you to tell me why you consider me to be a liberal.

Lying, ignorant, redneck, hillbilly. You are totally clueless.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
speedy is too stubborn in his leftist hate mongering to get the point, in specific that Trump understands who best it is to run a Mil Op and in the larger picture he's far from the war monger nuke crazy president the media attempted to portray him as. i mean .. the Dems even invoked the Goldwater Ad on him and he still won. somewhere in the cosmos, Barry is smiling.

*Staff Edit - JCM

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Way to go!!!

Leftist hate mongering??? I challenge you to find statements I've made that have been negative towards Trump or any other Republican/Conservative. I did not vote for Trump, as did the majority of voters. I did not predict him to win, like many others. I think he has been a terrible POTUS so far based on his lack of accomplishments. Yes, he has had some rather minor successes on policy but he has so far had major failures. I don't consider pointing out facts as being negative.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... with a heavy lacing of self-promoted fake intellectualism camouflaging deficiencies spawned by insecurity based upon the reality of ignorance.

Seems I recall his pronouncement of "military experience" to be target practice. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Another LIE.

Produce evidence to support that, LLiarMan.

But be careful. You may have to sneak onto a university campus to access them fancy reading books again, LLiarMan. And we know that that means.

Dipshit of the Year.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I cited the statements of people who said that the only change in strategy was the speed at which the strategy was being implemented with no other change in how things were being done. If you or anyone else has information that states that different military strategy was being done while Trump has been in office as opposed to when Obama was in office, please provide a link. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
U.S. Commander in Iraq: 'We Don't Get 20 Questions' From Trump White House


and you were saying?

bamscram's Avatar
Trump white house has a shit load of Generals working there, they don't ask questions them give orders.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
U.S. Commander in Iraq: 'We Don't Get 20 Questions' From Trump White House


and you were saying?

bahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

let me explain it to you, you retarded obtuse moron. i'll use a common business example to keep it simple for ya.

when a company is failing, they fire the ceo and get a new one. if his strategy is better than the previous guy, the company succeeds. got that, sparky?

Trump is the new CinC and his strategy is to not micro-manage the Military in their operations.

you will now argue that a new CinC is not a change in strategy. i'll contend it's the ultimate change in strategy.

but that's that's just you. idiot.

but what about the fact that Obama instigated Arab Spring, and encouraged it. it's part of why he made a full pullout in Iraq with no contingency plans to support the new Iraq government, on purpose. he wanted it to fail and become an Islamic Caliphate.

this is where it gets a bit difficult for you to comprehend, sparky. but it's for the better than you grasp this very obvious fact. .. As we all know ....

Barry Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro is a radical Muslim shia extremist terrorist with socialist leanings. he is the ultimate Manchurian candidate backed by Soros and the Saudis to destroy America and instigate a world-wide Socialist Muslim Caliphate.


and his vision and those of his ilk .. got REJECTED.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Barry Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro is a radical Muslim shia extremist terrorist with socialist leanings. he is the ultimate Manchurian candidate backed by Soros and the Saudis to destroy America and instigate a world-wide Socialist Muslim Caliphate.


and his vision and those of his ilk .. got REJECTED.

bahhaahhahaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

shia? I think he was Sunni. He was raised under that ideology.

I think he was brotherhood sunni