salaries and cost of living

VitaMan's Avatar
Most companies will base their salary guides on local cost of living.

But - people work just as hard no matter where they live. A guy in SC may want
to save up his money, and retire to San Francisco.

Doesn't seem right to pay him less.
No one has to accept any offer they don't like. Find a job that pays what you want and be good enough to get it. But to stay with your logic, I guess it doesn't seem fair to charge people more for housing and resources in other areas either. There's always a tradeoff.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-19-2017, 03:33 PM
it's all about the law of supply and demand..
Slitlikr's Avatar
Ridiculously ignorant thread.
By your logic, Walmart cashiers should make as much as surgeons.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are people that actually believe that.
Generally they are underachievers, malcontents, and commies.
Even with the commies, the elites had preference over the proletariat.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We do have proof that you can never work a real job a day in your life and become President of these United States.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-20-2017, 06:15 AM
^^ya but he always knew which office he was headed to, from day 1..

Some people would call a full professorship in Constitutional Law at U Chicago School of Law a real job tho. If not, the rest of us must be some really sorry fucks..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I am a firm believer in wealth redistribution. These mega rich folks have been gaming the system for millennia and it's high time someone put a stop to it. Markets are always manipulated...and some of these folks who support conservative agendas are absolutely clueless....we don't live in a Capitalistic society we live in a Communist Capitalist. The rich scheme off the top and then get everyone else to be patriots and convince these fools that you must work hard for what you earn..hahaha while that is not what they do...sure it's a noble idea and concept to work hard for your pay but that's what they use for mind control and to keep yall in the dark. Look at Joe The Plumber...that fucking retard makes $40k / yr and had the nerve to be defending the mega rich by saying someday he hoped to be rich as well....LMAO no greater fool in's what these mega rich want...Joe the Plumber will never make more than where he's at maybe 20K more at BEST.

Do you really believe that CEO's are smarter than all the engineers and smart people they work for? Hell's all about political connections from the good ole boy network. You people will always be slaves because you buy all this American Pride and Exceptionalism every time while the rich cleans your clocks.

VitaMan's Avatar
Ridiculously ignorant thread.
By your logic, Walmart cashiers should make as much as surgeons. Originally Posted by Slitlikr

A Walmart cashier in NYC should make the same money as a Walmart cashier in San Antonio. They work just as hard, and perform the same task.
But a walmart cashier in NYC would not be able to afford basic necessities.
These guys live in the wrong country
bigwill832's Avatar
How about living within one's means? Think about what you really need to make it compared to what you want.
Hasn't this been tried before....LBJ great society.
What do the "poor" have to show for it???
The tax payers have had billions confiscated for
what,please tell me???
Why haven't the libs "solved" the problem???
Road to hell paved with good intentions....