Why Life Is Unfair - Rare Leonardo da Vinci painting sells for record $450M

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Full disclosure...I've been to Clos Lucé (the final home of Leonardo da Vinci) in Southern France..I did that tour and it was nice..however, I went as typical tourist not as a 1% on earth.

This shit right here is downright ridiculous and is why global citizens need to rise up against the 1%. No one man should be able to buy a painting for $450 million when people are starving around the globe. It's obscene and ungodly there should be caps on wealth.. period!!!

A painting of Christ by the Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci sold for a record $450 million (380 million euros) at auction on Wednesday, obliterating previous records for artworks sold at auction or privately.

The painting, called "Salvator Mundi," Italian for "Savior of the World," is one of fewer than 20 paintings by Leonardo known to exist and the only one in private hands. It was sold by Christie's auction house, which didn't immediately identify the buyer.
How many starving people do you give money to OP?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
By the very nature of your question and my underprivileged background I'm 100% sure I do more than you...My charitable contributions I've talked about on here before. I not only give to the Star of Hope but also to Women's, Youth shelters and Houston food banks. I donate 3$k per year for these endeavors and I give of my time to encourage youth to purse careers related to Math, Science, and the Arts. However, none of that is relevant to the OP. All you've done is expose yourself as Joe The Plumber type and further prove my theory of being one of those folks who easily and routinely gets manipulated by the mega rich.

What a shame. Carry on
You are a full of shit as a Christmas turkey but like you say...carry on
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lemme explain something to ya...if you know you aint done shit and never will do shit keep your goddamn mouth shut... you don't get to call me out I've always put my money and time where my mouth is...just because you've never done a dam thing for anyone in need doesn't mean everyone else is like you. I come from the underprivileged and I give back...I will politely t refrain from cursing your ass out at this time.

Now go do something useful for someone other than yourself.
What makes you think you have to be black to come from an underpriveliged background dickhead? If you would just open your mind a little you just might have a happier life.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Maybe you should spend more time improving your lot in life rather than bitching about the success of others.
Sucks to be you I suppose.

I was the son of a poor share-cropper. We didn't have air conditioner. I weeded flower beds at the rich white folks house so I could buy food. I did have a daddy that lived at home that taught me that hard work and the desire to get ahead was worth more than anything else. My daddy went to war so he could get a better education and he did.
When I was big enough I got an old second or third hand lawn mower and fixed it so it would run. then I knocked on peoples doors asking if I could mow their yards. I got 3 dollars and they were big yards.

I could go on and on but I am still not gong to let you see my daVinci.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hell we didn't have shit. I used to wear shirts that were made from chicken scratch sacks.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-20-2017, 05:23 PM
Full disclosure...I've been to Clos Lucé (the final home of Leonardo da Vinci) in Southern France..I did that tour and it was nice..however, I went as typical tourist not as a 1% on earth.

This shit right here is downright ridiculous and is why global citizens need to rise up against the 1%. No one man should be able to buy a painting for $450 million when people are starving around the globe. It's obscene and ungodly there should be caps on wealth.. period!!!

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
naw. tried it, it never works. see e.g. Stalinist Russia.

if ppl want to pay 700 for an hour with a hdh or 5k for an overnight, or 450M for a painting, so be it. it's their damn money..
Slitlikr's Avatar
OP - where's your hate for Christies?
They got $50,312,000 as their cut for the buyers premium.
No telling what they got for the sellers premium.

Some folks invest in baseball cards, some invest in paintings.
Many are taking a bath lately.

While you're busy redistributing your wealth, don't forget to buy us all a session for Christmas!
Hasn't this been tried.....LBJ'S the great society???
50+ years and what do we have to show for it!!!
Billions more in debts!!!
Redistribution...works everytime!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Preach brotha
aznlvr11's Avatar
Lemme explain something to ya...if you know you aint done shit and never will do shit keep your goddamn mouth shut... you don't get to call me out I've always put my money and time where my mouth is...just because you've never done a dam thing for anyone in need doesn't mean everyone else is like you. I come from the underprivileged and I give back...I will politely t refrain from cursing your ass out at this time.

Now go do something useful for someone other than yourself. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
tbone2u is one of the most generous people i know. you don't know him or anything that he has done for people. quit bitching like a fucking millennial that wants everything handed to them. if you don't like your situation, go out and do something to improve it.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-22-2017, 02:29 AM
Maybe you should spend more time improving your lot in life rather than bitching about the success of others.
Sucks to be you I suppose.

I was the son of a poor share-cropper. We didn't have air conditioner. I weeded flower beds at the rich white folks house so I could buy food. I did have a daddy that lived at home that taught me that hard work and the desire to get ahead was worth more than anything else. My daddy went to war so he could get a better education and he did.
When I was big enough I got an old second or third hand lawn mower and fixed it so it would run. then I knocked on peoples doors asking if I could mow their yards. I got 3 dollars and they were big yards.

I could go on and on but I am still not gong to let you see my daVinci. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
i bet you had to walk 8 miles, in the snow, with practically no clothes on, just to make it to your school. that's how we did it in my day...
Full disclosure...I've been to Clos Lucé (the final home of Leonardo da Vinci) in Southern France..I did that tour and it was nice..however, I went as typical tourist not as a 1% on earth.

This shit right here is downright ridiculous and is why global citizens need to rise up against the 1%. No one man should be able to buy a painting for $450 million when people are starving around the globe. It's obscene and ungodly there should be caps on wealth.. period!!!

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
While you were in Europe, did you visit any of the famous castles? There were “Haves” and “Have Nots” since Midieval Times. There will be wealthy, comfortable and poor long after we are gone. I’ve worked hard to now be comfortable.

Besides, it looks like a male Mona Lisa and is ugly as fuck!