...and down goes Charlie Rose

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Pretty soon there will be no one left.

Charlie Rose Accused Of Sexually Harassing And Groping Women

The incidents date from the late 1990s to 2011, and the women ranged in age from 21 to 37 at the time of the incidents they describe.

“It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am greatly embarrassed,” Rose said in a statement in response to the Post’s reporting. “I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt
that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.”
bambino's Avatar
Do you want to “TOY” is asshole too?
flghtr65's Avatar
Charlie Rose had a different approach than Trump. Rose didn't try to grab the pus%y because he was a celebrity. When discussing salary and benefits with a woman new hire, he would simply just get naked before having the conversation. LOL.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Charlie Rose had a different approach than Trump. Rose didn't try to grab the pus%y because he was a celebrity. When discussing salary and benefits with a woman new hire, he would simply just get naked before having the conversation. LOL. Originally Posted by flghtr65


u Fing IDIOT!


oh p.s. explain that ACA failure to draw in young people again? bahahahahaha

flghtr65's Avatar

u Fing IDIOT!


oh p.s. explain that ACA failure to draw in young people again? bahahahahaha

FAIL Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I didn't say what Rose did was okay, I wrote that it was different from what Trump did. Can you fucking read Hillbilly?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I didn't say what Rose did was okay, I wrote that it was different from what Trump did. Can you fucking read Hillbilly? Originally Posted by flghtr65
just answer the question, dickhead.

why didn't they join???

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Another libtard ...but whose keeping track?
bamscram's Avatar
Another libtard ...but whose keeping track? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The lemmings on this forum.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The lemmings on this forum. Originally Posted by bamscram
libtards are the real lemmings. they're falling all over this sex scandal.
As many of the numnuts here admire, Charlie Rose just had "Game". He ought to be admired. He was getting laid for free(and touting the leftwing fascist bigoted rhetoric). He was the epitomy of manhood.

I can't count the number of leftwing femifascist friends who would argue that he was a great man and centrist when I would proffer that he was disgusting and had no business being subsidized by the federal government. Hate speech couched in the soothing words of a Saruman-ish voice is still hate speech.

Well, now we know that he is what femifascist hate in men. What they can't figure out is that he isn't representative of men. I, for one, have begun to systematically call out the bigots who say that I ought to pay for his behavior. That is bull shit.

When a femifascist starts spouting this bullshit, I call on men to resist. The appropriate words are: "You made him, You own him"
You know he's a fucking liberal right?
Irony is lost on some.

He isn't a liberal, he is a left wing loon, full of hate speech.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
As many of the numnuts here admire, Charlie Rose just had "Game". He ought to be admired. He was getting laid for free(and touting the leftwing fascist bigoted rhetoric). He was the epitomy of manhood.

I can't count the number of leftwing femifascist friends who would argue that he was a great man and centrist when I would proffer that he was disgusting and had no business being subsidized by the federal government. Hate speech couched in the soothing words of a Saruman-ish voice is still hate speech.

Well, now we know that he is what femifascist hate in men. What they can't figure out is that he isn't representative of men. I, for one, have begun to systematically call out the bigots who say that I ought to pay for his behavior. That is bull shit.

When a femifascist starts spouting this bullshit, I call on men to resist. The appropriate words are: "You made him, You own him" Originally Posted by kehaar

femifascist doesn't roll off the tongue very easily...

wouldn't it be easier to call them feminazi? its easier to pronounce. lol!
I doubt that the femifascist would cook all men in ovens(After all, their indentured labor is necessary for the greater good). I reserve the term nazi for those that that would actually commit genocide on the folks they hate.

Femifascist recognize they can't afford white male genocide, therefore, in my eyes, shouldn't be labelled nazis.

Chung Tran's Avatar
I have thought Charlie Rose was a Creep for decades.. he and Bill O'Reilly scream "Scuzzball", I didn't have the slightest doubt when I heard them implicated.. just a knowing wink