Do You Know An Introvert

JohnMacnab's Avatar
We are a little different and often seen as antisocial or lacking social skills. But the truth is that our brains are just wired a little differently. This article does a great job of explaining what it is like to be an introvert.

pyramider's Avatar
Is that referring to us or the voices in out heads?
This is so me. Completely from head to toe. It is true, extroverts ARE exhausting to be around. If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to explain to some chatty cathy that no I'm not bored, I have a book, that is my entertainment and I prefer it to listening to you babble, I would be a wealthy woman.

I think the best line is "..., after an hour or two of being socially "on," we introverts need to turn off and recharge." This is why (to bring to to the hobby) I don't see a lot of people. I spend two hours with someone, fully interacting with them, and I NEED to be left alone or I get super cranky. It is physically very tiring sometimes to be social, and actively social, for long amounts of time.

What can I say...I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel.
My former wife of 17 yrs was extremely extroverted. I think Iam a good mix of both extrovert and introvert, but I think I swing a little more to the introvert side. I don't think our marriage failed because of her extroverted personality but rather we just grew apart. She was unable to have children, so it could be she didn't have the energy and interest to remain married. She was a very friendly and caring person and everyone loved her, but she could be a real pain in the ass at times.
JohnMacnab's Avatar
There is such a big misconception that introverts are shy. But introversion and shyness are two very different things. An introvert can be a bold confident individual willing to be adverturous, they just get very tired very quickly of noisy crowds and chatty small talk. A shy person has a character trait of wanting to avoid meeting people and being around people that they don't know.
This is me also.
I work in the hospitality industry and as a provider I'm am constantly "hospitable and social". When I have "off time" I am totally introverted. Even if I go out for a drink alone, I don't care to socialize. I want to play the video game or chat with the bartender. I love a good trivia or word game! I'm a nerd.
roscoe14850's Avatar
I'm like many that are "classified" introverts. After a long day of supervising (babysitting) upwards of 40 individuals in a noisy environment with all the drama attached, 1 on 1 or solo time is a godsend. Or grabbing a beer with a friend or two as opposed to being shoulder to shoulder in a crowded bar, gimme some room to live.