I have a problem...I think

Loki Pk's Avatar
I have been interviewing candidates for employment the last few days.
My problem is this....as I speak to some of these girls during the interview, I don't hear a word they say... and all I can think about is how my cock would look in their mouths.

Seriously, a girl today who I spoke with, had a certain 'look' about her...and all I could think was... 'Will it fit?' 'I wonder if she swallows?" "Does she have a Gag reflex?"...

Sometimes the girls look a bit too familiar...as in- I think I saw her at the Red carpet a few years back...

Can't seem to get it out of my head....Must be Obama's fault!!
or Trump! Or Weinstein! Or


I do that all the time, especially with younger clients and just people on the street in general.

Hell I went to get my vision checked for the DMV license renewal and I thought the tech was cute. Flirted a bit, innocent stuff. I got a response to a CL ad maybe 2 months later and it was her. All that does is convince me every woman I meet is a secret whore whether she knows it or not, whether I know it or not.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Glad i'm not the only one
I was literally thinking the same thing this morning and almost made a post to talk about it!
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 11-21-2017, 01:45 PM
Makes me wonder how I get anything done....;-)
Just goes to show you, once again - we're all pigs!!
And so are they
We are devoid of moral perpetude
Loki Pk's Avatar
We are devoid of moral perpetude Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Oh, I'm sure I have no moral character whatsoever. All I think about is how I can get that babe to turn...or how much she will take to take my cock.
I love a sweet ass and sometimes I find myself letting out grunts or growls in admiration without realizing people can hear me
But its nice to know I'm not the only one !

Oh, I'm sure I have no moral character whatsoever. All I think about is how I can get that babe to turn...or how much she will take to take my cock.
I love a sweet ass and sometimes I find myself letting out grunts or growls in admiration without realizing people can hear me
But its nice to know I'm not the only one !

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
I firmly believe that when they perform an autopsy on me and cut open my head, a herd of pussies will fly out!
never 2 old's Avatar
Been awhile since I have been on but to get to the point. My other half and I have belonged to a swingers site for 3+ years. We now find ourselves when we are at the mall, grocery store and yes even walmart looking at an other couple and wonder if they are also swingers but you just can not come out and ask. But we did get lucky once at Spencer's when we were looking at some play toys and another couple came by and said they enjoyed the toy we were looking at and before you knew it we were setting up a meet for some play time with them.So it is not just a guy thing and I bet some gals also think about getting it on with guy that they have never meet before.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Make sure you are lawyered up and have a retirement plan in place for all the sexual harassment suits that are sure to follow.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Make sure you are lawyered up and have a retirement plan in place for all the sexual harassment suits that are sure to follow. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
You do realize I have spent all my money on Hookers right?
What are they gonna get out of me? 150 for half?


TreeBark's Avatar
I think all men see things in gals the way you do. I'm always looking and hinting to gals about the "hobby." If not the hobby a sugar baby. It's who we are
Dagnabbit's Avatar
If you think it could be accomplished reasonably safely, this seems like an awesome roleplay opportunity. As in arrange for a provider to "apply for the job," schedule her during your interviews, and have her do you in your office in the applicant character. "I'll do ANYTHING for this job sir, just ANYTHING!"

Just don't mix the provider up with the real applicants, lol!