uber and google security

Have read a few times people advising use of Uber instead of driving yourself or using a taxi because the poster was under the impression that it was anonymous.


Several sources have reported that Uber has concealed several data breaches from the public.
One might ask what kind of data might they have stored that hackers might be able to retrieve? One breach included 57 million accounts. Another they paid the hackers to destroy the stolen data. Of course no chance hackers would lie and not destroy the data. LOL.

Well there is your Uber ID, your name, credit card information for starters. And Uber tracks every route for every ride given and stores that information. They have acknowledged aggregating and selling the data to help cities develop better public transportation options.

On a similar note....


Google admits that just turning off location tracking is not sufficient to stop them from tracking your location. It just means you think you are not being tracked and I presume keeps the tracking hidden from you and other users of your phone. But if the data is collected and stored and those servers get hacked .... Bottom line if you do not want tracked and a permanent record available of your coming and going do not use google apps to help get you there and back.
How do you use a google app for directions without turning on non-emergency location?
pmdelites's Avatar
99% of the time, i use various map apps w/ iphone location services turned off. if i really dont know where i am (NOT lost - what guy would admit that :^} i turn on location services, find out where i am & turn it off. location svcs just helps find places & directions a tad quicker.
The point the ZDnet article makes is that even if you have turned off location services on your phone some if not all google apps will still track your location and send it back to google.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Big Brother is watch your every move...I powered mine down earlier and then when I turned it on again...Damn thing found me....