thanksLEEving wishes

Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...wants ta wish the ol cuck ...jimmies a hapLEE day ta reflects ...on the disasters yer lifes

...collectively yer ...plastic man ...loathes yas an individually yer ...plastic man ...detests ya an drinks ...deep from the bitterness that flows ...outsa yas ta the funnels yer ...plastic man ...donts feels nothin cause technically ya aints ...really human an therefore unworthy of ...yer based gods love
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I second.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I had an unusual evening yesterday. I got home around 5 PM from a gathering because some of the self-loathers insisted on watching football and I am boycotting.

I had a prostitute text me out of the blue a little later disclosing that she had left her husband and wanted to earn some extra money and her sister was watching her kid and everything, according to her, was perfect.

Anyway I went to a residence that she described as her house and settled in. I'm done with hooks literally 15 seconds after I splooge into them but I was a little intoxed and didn't want to drive so I invited myself to stay for a couple of extra hours. We spent pretty much the whole time watching Eddie Bravo flat earth videos on youtube and also looking for songs that described hooker/paying customers relationships. We also shared a Pay Day candy bar. I haven't eaten one of them in a couple of decades and didn't even know they still made them. The peanuts seemed stale or fucked up in whatever way peanuts get fucked up when they're not fresh, so maybe it was an old candy bar.
Plastic Man's Avatar
sad ...depressin an typical

...thanks fer ...sharin
Strapped's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
I had an unusual evening yesterday. I got home around 5 PM from a gathering because some of the self-loathers insisted on watching football and I am boycotting.

I had a prostitute text me out of the blue a little later disclosing that she had left her husband and wanted to earn some extra money and her sister was watching her kid and everything, according to her, was perfect.

Anyway I went to a residence that she described as her house and settled in. I'm done with hooks literally 15 seconds after I splooge into them but I was a little intoxed and didn't want to drive so I invited myself to stay for a couple of extra hours. We spent pretty much the whole time watching Eddie Bravo flat earth videos on youtube and also looking for songs that described hooker/paying customers relationships. We also shared a Pay Day candy bar. I haven't eaten one of them in a couple of decades and didn't even know they still made them. The peanuts seemed stale or fucked up in whatever way peanuts get fucked up when they're not fresh, so maybe it was an old candy bar. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
A perfect male lesbian time
Next Best Thing's Avatar
sad ...depressin an typical

...thanks fer ...sharin Originally Posted by Plastic Man
I know Plastic Man. Sorry and I posted it on your thread because I knew you were just the man to put this into proper perspective. Thank you.