Cream21 is a Dallas provider (on ECCIE and BP, but not P411) I've wanted to see for at least 3 months. But she rarely travels farther south than Killeen and that's just too far for me to drive. On one rare occasion in early April she was in Austin for a long weekend, at an incall hotel in the Arboretum area. That Sunday evening I finally reach her by phone (a minor miracle in itself). We set a time and she tells me generally where the place is. I depart 30 minutes before the appointment time on what's usually a 20 minute drive. The instructions are to call back when I'm close and she'll give me the particulars. As I approach the exit on Research Blvd, 10 minutes before the appointment, I start calling to get the rest of the directions. No answer. I pull into a drug store parking lot. Call. no answer. Repeat about 4 times, same result. Leave voice messages. When I finally become uncomfortable with the stares of customers entering and exiting the store, I drive on down the road to the hotel I think she's staying at. Pull up into a dark parking spot in back and call a couple more times. At about 20 minutes past the appointment time, I still haven't heard back from her with her exact location, so I decide to head home. To this day I still have not received a call or text back from her with any explanation.
Another TCB nightmare happened just this past week. Robyn-So-Sexy (on P411 and BP, but not ECCIE) was taking incalls on Monday night. She recently moved and claimed to be unfamiliar with her new neighborhood (didn't even know whether she was east or west of I-35!). I really hate hearing "don't you have GPS?" from providers who're too lazy to give simple driving directions. I knew I'd have trouble finding the place so I allowed some extra time. I needed it. I did eventually find it, but on the way there I did another 10 minute stall in a gas station because I couldn't get ahold of her to get the actual address (another "I was in the shower and didn't hear the phone" story). When I DID find the apartment complex and located her building, I still didn't have her apartment number. There I am in the parking lot in front of her building, 4 minutes before the scheduled start of the appointment, and she again goes silent. At 20 after, and after numerous calls and texts to try to get the apartment number I finally decide to head home. OK, shit happens and I'm a persistent bastard. She IS sexy as hell in her photos, so the next morning, despite not hearing from her about the foulup the night before, I text and arrange a noon appointment. This time I get an apartment number. I arrive exactly on time, at noon, and the door is answered by what looks to be a transgendered person - light sundress on a husky frame with breasts, thick curly black hair, a 5 o'clock shadow and a voice almost as deep as mine. Not Robyn. He/she closes the door and checks with Robyn. He/she comes back: "She's not quite ready yet. Can you come back in 10 minutes?" Sure. So I decide to drive around a bit instead of sitting in my car attracting attention of neighbors. The transgendered person left right behind me. Ten minutes later, exactly as instructed, I'm back at the door tapping gently. No answer. Ten minutes later I'm still tapping, not so gently and still nobody's answering. I figure 10 minutes of being out in the open, exposed to the stares of passing neighbors is enough, so once again I head back to friendly territory with money still in my pocket.
There are more than these two episodes. These are only the two most recent. So when I read that business is bad and this or that provider just can't seem to make ends meet, I have to wonder just how hard they're trying. If business is so bad in the hobbying community, this - a willing client walking away frustrated with money still in his pocket - shouldn't happen as often as it seems to.
Now to close on a more positive note... here's a tip of the hat to providers who have (IMHO) excellent TCB - Marley Monroe, Shannon Shane, and Maci Lynn just to name 3. These ladies will never leave you frustrated (whether you leave with money still in your pocket is another matter